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Books on Sale! Books About…Writing Books (Kindle Daily Deal for NaNoWriMo)

Yes, I should be writing…and yes, I should have checked Amazon earlier for their daily deal, because it’s a NaNoWriMo-themed sale!

you should be writing

Seven writing-themed books are on sale at $1.99 each for today’s daily deal. They include Story Engineering by Larry Brooks (which I’ve heard great things about), Elizabeth Sims’s You’ve Got a Book in You: A Stress-Free Guide to Writing the Book of Your Dreams (which seriously, just makes me want to cry right now. Stress-free? Ha!), the Urban Dictionary and Mo’ Urban Dictionary by Aaron Peckham (which just look awesome), Natalie Goldberg’s Wild Mind: Living the Writer’s Life, which several people have recommended to me (and I already own, but we won’t go there right now), 1001 Smartest Things Ever Said by Stephen D. Price (I’ll bet good money, “Let’s wait until the night before November first to figure out how to use our brand new Aeon Timeline Software,” isn’t listed in there), and Hemingway & Bailey’s Bartending Guide to Great American Writers by, well, Hemingway and Bailey. But not those Hemingway and Bailey. Looks like a lot of fun, though.

I’m not even going to admit how many of these I now own. Or say when I think I’ll have time to read them. Or confess how many words I’ve officially written in my novel today.

Anyone else out there NaNo-ing? How much have you written so far? Please, shame me into accomplishing something, I beg you!

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