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Dual Book Review: A Duke of Her Own and Three Weeks With Lady X by Eloisa James (Desperate Duchesses #6 and #7)

I. Love. This. Series!


A Duke of Her Own
Three Weeks With Lady X
by Eloisa James

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I didn’t realize until I was about a third of the way book seven (Three Weeks with Lady X), that I hadn’t read book six (A Duke of Her Own) in the series yet.I don’t know why; I had it on my Kindle already. Somehow it slipped through the cracks–I’d read and loved the rest of them, and had really been looking forward to Villier’s book; I must have gotten distracted. Though, really, what’s good enough to distract one from a duke? I have no idea.  I have no valid excuse here. So as soon as I finished Thorn’s book, I backed up and read his father’s.

It was fun to see the child Thorn was after reading his adult story–kind of reminiscent of when you’re visiting your significant other’s family and they pull out the old family albums and start telling embarrassing (to them, of course–not to you. You’re getting plenty of fodder for future torture–not that I’d do that, honest) stories.

Reading them one after the other, you can definitely see how the son is so much like his paternal figure, even though they spent the first twelve years of Thorn’s life apart. Both were convinced that they needed to marry “the right” woman even though they were crazy-attracted to “the wrong” one. Eloisa managed to completely sell me on their convictions here–even though I wanted to smack these two heroes upside the head for approximately half their respective books, I could absolutely see why they were so hell-bent on making such bad choices. They did have fairly decent reasons.

Unfortunately, they’re men and therefore spend ninety percent of the book convinced they’re totally correct in their convictions. Fortunately, they do manage to get their heads out of their posteriors just in time in spite of this.

The strength of the last three books in this series makes it my favorite of Ms. James’s–and really, I love all of her books (and with this one I’ve finally read them all! Write faster, Ms. James!) so that’s saying something.

Can I just oh-so-subtly point out that Thorn’s best friend just so happens to be a duke as well? (cough, cough–perfect hero for book eight–cough)

I listened to both on audio, and they were very well done.  Narrator has a pleasant voice with a delicious accent, and her portrayal of the heroes doesn’t make me cringe unlike some others I’ve listened to. Book six even made me cry–though at least I was driving this time, and not walking the dog. No one was traumatized save myself. Thanks, Eloisa. 😉

Rating: 5 stars / A
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