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Tag: read it and weep

I Survived NaNoWriMo! (Week in Review 11-29-13)

  Me, on Saturday… and then at 11:30 PM EST…   Woot! Finished with a half an hour to spare! Okay, let me clarify–my word count has been achieved, but the novel is far, far, from finished. Many scenes need to be written and/or fleshed out, and don’t even get me started on the revision–I left notes for myself all over the place (in the chapter labels, where they didn’t count toward my word count, of course) about issues I encountered after the fact (e.g.–rewrite scene–JANE NOT THERE YET!) that will need to be dealt with. But–fifty thousand words! I did…

NaNoWriMo, Why Do You Hate Me So? (Week in Review: 11-15-13)

Oh, NaNoWriMo, you always seem like such a good idea at the time… Two years ago, I was happily plugging away at my NaNo novel when–my laptop died. Just died. On Thanksgiving, With a whole lot of tears, prayers, and desperate promises to whomever was listening, I managed to get it to boot up one last time so I could get my project off of it (yes, I know, always back up your work, and I do. Just not as often as I should, obviously) and then woke up at 4 AM on Black Friday to camp out at our…

What I’m Reading: Week in Review (11-3-13)

  My keyboard is on fire this first weekend of NaNoWriMo, I tell you! Okay, maybe not exactly on fire. Unless when you look to the left of this panel you see a really big number in my NaNo widget. Then you’ll know I had a really productive afternoon here. I can dream, right? I tried to get as much reading in as possible before November 1st hit, which explained why I spent most of day one figuring out how to use Aeon Timeline for the first time and remembering how to use Scrivener again. On the plus side, I found out…