All three Moes woke up bright and early this morning to drive down to (sunny, thank goodness–it’s been a rainy few days) Buffalo, New York to take part in the Gold and Blue Star Military Family Tribute Walk. All proceeds from the event will go towards a memorial for all the western New Yorkers (so far there have been 64) who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the sponsors was our very own Buffalo Sabres, and several current and former players were there to show their support. The Mini Moes cornered Cody Hodgson (a goal-scorer in Saturday night’s game, which MM#1 and I were at–that goal was a highlight, trust me) at the after party and got a picture. It was awesome to see so many players (Hodgson was joined by Steve Ott, Patrick Kaleta, John Scott, Jamie McBain, Andrew Peters and a few other former players, along with the voice of the Sabres, Rick Jenerett and Bandits lacrosse player Mark Steenhuis–I’m forgetting a few others, I know, so I apologize now) out there supporting the community. It’s been tough to be a Sabres fan so far this season, so it’s especially great to see them show up at something like this. Within stalking photo op-distance, too. 😉
We all walked 3.2 miles before lunch! No wonder I was ready for a nap before the Bills game even started. (Which they won! The “fish” have been squished!)
On to the books! I’m still listening to Emma right now to prepare for my NaNoWriMo novel. I’m taking it slow and only listening when I can really pay attention–currently I want to drop-kick Frank Churchill into the next century, so I’m really not sure he’ll be able to sufficiently make all of this up to Jane. We may be looking at an AU version….
I managed a bit more in ebook form this week. I read (and reviewed) Annie Seaton’s Outback Affair–a nice addition to the series. I also scored a copy of book one in the series–Holiday Affair, the only one I hadn’t read already–at the author’s Facebook release party on Monday (Tuesday, in Australia). Thanks, Annie!
Next I read Sweet Treason by Gail Ranstrom, which I also reviewed, and featured in Friday’s post. It was a very interesting take on the American Revolution time period. I’ll be interested to see what she writes next.
Finally, I read the upcoming (out tomorrow!) release Hunter’s Moon by Lisa Kessler. She’ll be joining us this Friday with a guest post, and I’ll be reviewing the book later on this week. I absolutely loved it–didn’t want to put it down, even for the hockey game last night! (I did, though, since we were there. Didn’t want to be rude. If I’d been at home, though….)
Up next: Seven-Day Fiance by Rachel Harris and the next HEA Book Club book pick for this Thursday’s meeting, Hope Ramsay’s Last Chance Book Club. Oh, and tomorrow’s Monday, which means more chapters released in Ruthie Knox’s NA novel Truly exclusively on Wattpad, and another episode of Emma Approved on YouTube! Happy days!(Except that it’ll still be Monday. All day long. But still, could definitely be worse–and there’s much to look forward to!)
What are you reading this week?
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