What happened in Vegas? Definitely didn’t stay in Vegas.
Gabe’s the oldest. Brody’s the bad boy. Clark’s the strong, silent warrior. Amanda’s the girl. And Easton—well, Easton’s the panty melter.
I’m Kane.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not a bad job. But usually, I’m not the one people are talking about.
That’s about to change. Because the woman I had a smoking hot one-night stand with in Vegas? The one I should have stayed far, far away from, since women like her are my kryptonite?
She’s the same woman my brother just hired to redesign his fancy new glamping RVs.
I haven’t seen her since Vegas, but the instant I lay eyes on her, I can tell my quiet role as the boy-next-door brother is about to change.
She’s pregnant.
And it’s mine.
A steamy, small-town, accidental pregnancy, one-night-to-forever standalone romantic comedy by the USA Today bestselling author of Sleepover.
Availble on Tuesday, July 19!
Preorder your copy today!
Every time I read a new book in Serena Bell‘s Wilder Adventures series, I think this is it. *This* Wilder brother is the *best* Wilder hero. Serena can’t possibly top this one.
And then she writes another Wilder Adventures book. And proves me wrong. Again.
Not complaining, mind you–but seriously, how does she do it? It’s like some crazy kind of magic-hero-writing-witchcraft or something.
Kane Wilder is the second youngest brother, and his whole life he’s been, well…Kane. He’s not the oldest (Gabe) or the wildest (Brody) or the tragic hero (Clark) or the charming flirt (Easton) or even the girl (Amanda). He’s just Kane–the relable Wilder who never makes any waves or causes any problems. Heck, he doesn’t even specify a pizza order when they’re all getting lunch–he just makes do with what’s left from everyone else’s order. Very few people ever really see him, and he’s OK with that.
Until Vegas, and a one night stand, and Mari somehow manage to change all that–and Kane–forever.
Kane and Mari’s story has:
– an accidental pregnancy–not always my favorite trope, but OMG does it work here
– a cinnamon roll/boy next door hero who meets his match with
– an independent, bit of a loner heroine with a serious case of wanderlust; and
– a big family whose members love each other like crazy but also can be a bit overwhelming.
I love that Mari and Kane quickly become so in tune with each other, begining to recognize what the other one needs to succeed, and to help each other to find/do exactly that, often in a way that no one else in their lives has done up until that point. I adored watching Kane actually stand up for himself and for Mari, and watching Mari learn to trust not only Kane but also his big, crazy, loving family. (I especially loved that while Kane thought he was playing a role that night seven months earlier, Mari quickly realizes that he was just being his true Kane self that he hadn’t let himself be before with anyone else. Swoon!)
Is it a bit of a coincidence how they manage to find each other again after their steamy, anonymous one night stand in Vegas? Sure. Do I care? Not one whit 😉
Like everything else this author has written, this book somehow manages to be as LOL funny as it is fan-yourself sexy. It’s both swoony and sigh-worthy. And those Wilders…OMG. I may never recover from the intervention the Wilder women lay on these two near the end.
Technically, this book could be read as a standalone, but to really experience the full “Wilder effect” and understand all of the family dynamics going in it’s best to read them all in order. You can thank me later 😉
Counting the days until Easton gets his comeuppance… 😀
Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
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