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Tag: alaskan hideaway

Book Tour Grand Finale and Giveaway! ALASKAN HIDEAWAY by Beth Carpenter (Northern Lights #3)

On Tour with Prism Book Tours Book Tour Grand Finale for Alaskan Hideaway By Beth Carpenter We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below: Launch – Note from the Author Welcome to the book tour for Alaskan Hideaway, the third book in the Northern Lights series. In this story, you’ll meet Mac Macleod, who is being hounded by the paparazzi after his daughter’s murder. He takes his daughter’s dog and moves to a little cabin in Alaska, where he can be…

New Release Review and Giveaway! ALASKAN HIDEAWAY by Beth Carpenter (Northern Lights #3)

On Tour with Prism Book Tours Alaskan Hideaway (Northern Lights #3) By Beth Carpenter Contemporary Romance Mass Market Paperback & ebook, 368 Pages July 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming He traveled 3,800 miles to be alone …but is it what he really wants? Relocating to Alaska after a family tragedy seemed an ideal way for author R.D. “Mac” Macleod to grieve in peace. But solitude feels overrated when Mac’s around B&B owner Ursula Anderson and her orphaned goddaughter, Rory, who’s already bonding with his dog. Worse, he’s imagining a future with Ursula and Rory. Is it time to finally forgive…