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Tag: cut and run

Annabelle Lewis, Author of CUT AND RUN, Talks About Her Writing Inspiration (with a giveaway!)

What inspired me to write my book I absolutely had to know what my characters would be up to next! Cut and Run can be read as a standalone, but it is the second book in the series of The Boston Clairvoyants. Dead Cat, Run was the first installment exploring how a small pack of normal people with special abilities living in Boston come together to do battle against evil. There is a mythological hierarchy involved in the game of good versus evil which is explained, and I love the thought that there are gifted people (and dogs!) walking among…

Fall Into a Romantic Mystery! A What Should I Read Next? Quiz and Giveaway

Fall Into A Romantic Mystery With the temperature dropping and leaves turning colors, it’s time to get ready for the cool days of fall. And what better way to prepare for the long nights ahead than to download a great whodunit novel with a dash (or heaping helping) of romance? Below we have crafted a quiz to help you find your next great read, but be warned, the titles all have mysteries that need to be solved and villains that must be brought to justice. So grab a thick blanket, a cup of hot cocoa, and answer the following questions…