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Tag: girl breaker

New Release Excerpt! GIRL BREAKER by Harper Kincaid

GIRL BREAKER by Harper Kincaid BOOK SUMMARY: Sometimes the best thing a good girl can do is make a bad decision. Jessica has always been the girl with her head in the clouds and her nose in a book, only dating the “nice guys”. But when rough-around-the-edges Viking-biker-god, Mad Max, and his precocious little girl move onto her street, Jessica falls hard and fast for both of them. Max is no stranger to women wanting to share his bed—and he’s always been more than happy to oblige them all. He’s lived wild all his life—that is, until a daughter shows…

Release Day! GIRL BREAKER by Harper Kincaid (Break on Through #3)

GIRL BREAKER by Harper Kincaid is now live! Check out some teasers and purchase links for the book below. This is the third book in the Break on Through series. If you’d like to read the previous books in this series, buy links for those titles are below, too. GIRL BREAKER by Harper Kincaid BOOK SUMMARY: Sometimes the best thing a good girl can do is make a bad decision. Jessica has always been the girl with her head in the clouds and her nose in a book, only dating the “nice guys”. But when rough-around-the-edges Viking-biker-god, Mad Max, and…