Title: Silicon Valley Billionaires: LAUREN Series: Silicon Valley Billionaires, Book 1 By: Leigh James Release Date: Feb. 21, 2017 eBook Price: $3.99 Print Price: $9.99 Ebook ISBN: 978-1945340086 Print ISBN: 978-1945340093 Categories: Romantic suspense and contemporary romance Description: Two Headstrong, Driven CEOs. One Undeniable, Scorching Attraction. Being a scientist gives Lauren Taylor a purpose in life. At twenty-five, she’s the CEO of a billion-dollar biomedical company, Paragon Laboratories. On the brink of a major discovery, Lauren lets nothing interfere with her work. Until she meets Gabriel Betts, the gorgeous and brilliant CEO of another Silicon Valley startup, and is forced…
I read. And quilt. A lot.