My neighborhood is about 50% decorated at this point, but so far I’ve resisted the urge…
I read. And quilt. A lot.
My neighborhood is about 50% decorated at this point, but so far I’ve resisted the urge…
This has got to be the best procrastination outcome ever! Thanks, CNN morning newsletter! (Its videos are 90% of the reason why I subscribe to it)
What says “Saturday Morning” more than cartoon themes? 😉 Also, how did Mini Moe #2 not know there was a Gummy Bears cartoon???
These guys are just so cool. Thanks for the suggestion, Mini Moe #2 (home from school!) This baby is currently out of stock everywhere…so I guess the kids have a valid reason for not buying this for me…THIS year. 😉 (Though my birthday is coming…)
It’s that time again! I’m most likely not going to make 50K this time around–really, with work and my reading schedule, I’m just aiming for 1K/day, or 30K total of my current WIP, and that I’m on track for, so I’m pretty happy 🙂
So much movie excitement this week! First, more Wonder Woman! (oh, yeah, and those other guys too…the Flash is pretty darn amusing, I’ll admit): Next, Star Wars! …and finally, because some people have just a little bit too much time on their hands, I give you:
Welcome to Halloween October!
We saw this group live last weekend at Mini Moe #2’s first college Family Weekend–so fun! They didn’t perform this song (bummer!) but it’s one of the few videos that has their newest member on it (and he’s too awesome not to show!)
In honor of the opening of the Jim Henson Exhibit at the Museum of Moving Arts (reviewed here by the New York Times: This Time, The Muppets Take Queens, and funded by a Kickstarter campaign sponsored by yours truly–you can see the list of sponsors here, and no, I’m not in the $1000 list ;)) I give you a Muppet music video featuring just about all of them 🙂 Thanks to bro-man for the video!