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Tag: snowperson

Becky on Books and Quilts…and Crochet! I try my hand at a Snowman Crochet-a-Long (#FreshStitches)

I can’t spell it without help, and please don’t ask me to pronounce it out loud, but I’ve been dabbling in amigurumi the past few years–quick, portable projects with (potentially, anyway!) cute results–and this week decided to try my hand at a crochet-a-long (CAL) project: a snowperson! (Her nose looks a tad bit on the large side–partly that’s due to the camera angle, partly that’s because it is kind of big. Counting stitches while listening to an audiobook or binge-watching Parks and Recreation on Netflix is not a strength of mine, obviously. Still, I’m pretty happy with how she turned out.) She’s…