Title: The Inns of Devonshire: Timeless Regency Collection (Book 18)Authors: Sally Britton, Annette Lyon, & Deborah M. HathawayGenre: Regency Romance,Historical Romance, Inspirational FictionPublisher: Mirror Press (October 5, 2021)Length: (300) pagesFormat: Trade paperback, eBook, & audiobook Tour Dates: October 4-17, 2021 Three novellas, three times the romance, and three times the love . . . in this brand new Timeless Regency Collection The Seventh Star Inn, by Sally Britton After years of looking after one another, Susan Baxter and her mother view their neighbors in Totnes as family. When a new landlord inherits the leases on their homes and businesses alike, Susan…
I read. And quilt. A lot.