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Tag: the sons of gregor macleod

Alyson McLayne, Author of HIGHLAND CONQUEST, Shares Her Top 6 Romance Couples of All Time (plus a giveaway!)

February is fast approaching, and with it come several big events in my life. Not only do my kids turn 6 at the end of the month, but on the actual 6th, my historical romance, HIGHLAND CONQUEST—book 2 in my series THE SONS OF GREGOR MACLEOD—releases to the world! This is a book I can’t wait to hit the stands. The love story between Amber and Lachlan is one of my favorites. Amber is the MacPherson healer who’s had to pretend to be a witch in order to stay safe from her depraved laird while she heals her people. Lachlan’s…

A Letter to Readers from Alyson McLayne, Author of HIGHLAND PROMISE (The Sons of Gregor MacLeod #1–with a giveaway!)

A Letter to the Reader Hello Lovely Readers!! My name is Alyson McLayne, and I can’t tell you how excited I am to introduce you to my book, HIGHLAND PROMISE, a Scottish Highlander Romantic Adventure! It’s the first book in my historical romance series, THE SONS OF GREGOR MACLEOD, starring five Highland Lairds, who were fostered together as lads to become brothers. Darach, Lachlan, Callum, Gavin, and Kerr fight for their clans, for each other, and for their own true love. These Highland Lairds are a band of brothers, who will defend each other to the death—if they don’t kill…