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Tag: under kansas skies

New Release Review and Giveaway! A LOVE UNEXPECTED by Leah Brunner

Top 5 requirements to be a congressman’s wife: Outgoing personality. (Definitely not an introvert who would rather stay at home reading). Poised, able to walk flawlessly in stilettos. (Mustn’t stumble around like a baby gazelle). Gracious at all times. (Stubborn red-heads who speak their minds needn’t apply). Family connections. (Already being acquainted with the cream of the crop will make everything so much easier).  Knowing your husband’s life story. (When skeletons come out of the proverbial closet, you definitely don’t want to be blind-sided.). A Love Unexpected(Under Kansas Skies #1)By Leah BrunnerContemporary RomancePaperback & ebook, 224 PagesMay 21, 2021 by Leah…