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Tag: valley of bones

New Release and Giveaway! MOUNTAIN OF FLAME by Diane E. Samson is out now (with an excerpt from Gems of Fire #2, VALLEY OF BONES)

On Tour with Prism Book Tours We’re celebrating the release of the third book in the Gems of Fire series, Mountain of Flame! Today, the author shares an excerpt from the second book Valley of Bones. If you missed her character interview with Anna, you can read that HERE. Next, she shares an excerpt from the third book Mountain of Flame. Plus, there’s a giveaway to enter below. Enjoy! Gems of Fire (Gems of Fire #1) By Diane E. Samson Young Adult Fantasy Paperback, ebook & audiobook, 276 Pages November 6, 2018 by Clean Reads Palace of Sunderland. Paradise to the peasants. Prison…