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Tag: young adult fantasy

Sale Blitz! RELIC by Renee Collins is 99 cents!

Relicby Renee CollinsGenre: YA FantasyRelease Date: August 2013Entangled Teen After a raging fire consumes her town and kills her parents, Maggie Davis is on her own to protect her younger sister and survive best she can in the Colorado town of Burning Mesa. In Maggie’s world, the bones of long-extinct magical creatures such as dragons and sirens are mined and traded for their residual magical elements, and harnessing these relics’ powers allows the user to wield fire, turn invisible, or heal even the worst of injuries. Working in a local saloon, Maggie befriends the spirited showgirl Adelaide and falls for…

YA Fantasy Showdown! Team Urban VS Team Epic: TEAM EPIC

Team Epic: Why I Love Epic Fantasy! Erica Cameron – Island of Exiles (The Ryogan Chronicles, #1): Why do I love epic fantasy? It’s a blank slate. We can erase all of our preconceived notions of society and law and even science, throwing all of that over the side of a cliff. Epic fantasy lets us push humanity well past the breaking point with ever more impossible landscapes and situations. It lets us see what we could be if only we let ourselves get there. Plus, epic fantasy is, well, epic!   Book Description: In Khya’s world, every breath is…

YA Showdown! Team Urban VS Team Epic: Urban Version!

Team Urban: Why I Love Urban Fantasy!   Brenda Drake – Guardian of Secrets (Library Jumpers, #2): I’m such a fan of Urban Fantasy for many reasons, but mostly because writers can take our normal world and, either secret or not, add a dash of the fantastical to it. With mystical creatures hiding from humans or living side by side with them, deliciously nefarious things can happen. There’s just something extraordinary about urban fantasy. It’s the ability of the writer to look at something normal in the human world and mix it up. Changing a simple book into something that…

New Release Blitz with Giveaways! THE EXPATRIATES by Corinne O’Flynn (Song of the Sending, Book One)

 Two chances to win the first book in this new series!   The Expatriates #1 by Corinne O’Flynn (Song of the Sending) Publication date: October 15th 2014 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult Synopsis: They told him his world was destroyed. And they were the last to escape. They thought he was safe. They were wrong. Jim Wales can communicate with animals, but that’s not why he lives with a traveling carnival. Turns out his family’s been hiding him there since he was little, since someone started hunting all the scholars. Jim is a scholar—someone who can manipulate energy using magic—and he has no idea. When…

New Release and Giveaways! DUST by Sarah Daltry

Two chances to win! Dust by Sarah Daltry Publication date: November 7th 2014 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult Synopsis: Who makes YOUR choices? “I was once the type of person who was impressed by starlight; the type of person who would dance beneath glass ceilings and let the world swim in its loveliness. The sky reminds me of the parties we used to throw – parties like the one last night. The memories bring back the trill of harps and endless ripples of satisfied laughter. Now, though, when I try to recall what I felt, all I hear is screaming.” In a world ravaged by…

Release Day Launch with Giveaway: DESCENT by Callie Ross

We are extremely excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for Kallie Ross’ DESCENT! DESCENT is an amazing young adult fantasy adventure that is out today!   ABOUT DESCENT: Seventeen year old Ollie Miller is ready to leave all of her hurt feelings behind, but moving on seems impossible while living next door to her ex-best friend, Mateo. When curious earthquakes begin to shake and rip open the foundation of her small town, the ground becomes as unsteady as her feelings for him. When they fall, they fall hard… Ollie’s disastrous attempt to save Mateo’s brother from falling into…

New Release Review: CINDERELLA’S DRESS by Shonna Slayton

A new YA historical with a touch of fantasy… Cinderella’s Dress by Shonna Slayton Blurb: Being seventeen during World War II is tough. Finding out you’re the next keeper of the real Cinderella’s dresses is even tougher. Kate simply wants to create window displays at the department store where she’s working, trying to help out with the war effort. But when long-lost relatives from Poland arrive with a steamer trunk they claim holds the Cinderella’s dresses, life gets complicated. Now, with a father missing in action, her new sweetheart, Johnny, stuck in the middle of battle, and her great aunt…

Cover Reveal: Descent by Kallie Ross

Are you a fan of young adult fantasy? Here’s a new one to add to your TBR pile…from a fellow English teacher! Fun!     We are over the moon excited about the cover reveal for Kallie Ross’ DESCENT! DESCENT is a Young Adult fantasy that comes out June 9th! Add this one to your Goodreads TBR pile ASAP! DESCENT Synopsis: Seventeen year old Ollie Miller is ready to leave all of her hurt feelings behind, but moving on seems impossible while living next door to her ex-best friend, Mateo. When curious earthquakes begin to shake and rip open the…