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Book Review and New Release: Something’s Cooking by Meg Lacey

Something’s Cooking
Author: Meg Lacey
Genre: contemporary romance
Published: 2013
Format read: ebook
Rating: C

Tess Banyon has made a name for herself in the kitchen. She’s become, almost overnight, a “Martha Stewart”-esque personage (minus the pesky jail time, of course) across the country. When the “diva of domesticity” takes over half the space that was supposed to be devoted to his newspaper column and is on the verge of getting her own television show, investigative reporter Josh Faraday decides it’s time to strike back.

Josh has been trying to pitch his own hard-hitting news program to the network for several years. In the meantime, his syndicated column written anonymously as “JR” pays the bills. Upon learning that his “nemesis” Tess Banyon is getting her own airtime, he convinces his editor to let him go behind the scenes in her world to prove once and for all that the domestic goddess is a fraud.

Unfortunately, he’s right. She is a fraud. She can’t cook, and she’s all thumbs when it comes to crafting.

Even more unfortunately, Josh finds himself falling for her. And falling prey to her cooking and crafting mishaps at the same time.

Tess finds herself drawn to him too—what will he do when she finds out why he’s really there?

There were some really cute moments in this book. Almost every time Tess tried to create something on her own—especially if Josh was anywhere in the vicinity—disaster ensued. The natural distrust that Tess has for a reporter who’s snooping around in her life, combined with the fact that both she and said reporter are hiding major pieces of information from each other, makes for some amusingly snarky conversation. There was quite a bit to like here.

However, there were some issues as well. Practically from the first page, Josh was lusting after Tess—and it couldn’t have been anything more than superficial, given how little he knew about her at the time. Even once he met her—and knowing full well that he considered her to be a rival of sorts and was out to ruin her reputation—he immediately went into full-on get-her-at-all-costs mode. It just didn’t ring true. Tess’s attraction to him too seemed much too sudden. The ending felt rushed, almost as if parts were skipped in the interests of getting us to the HEA, pronto.

In a nutshell: a cute, quick read. Many amusing parts, but a strong case of insta-lust and a rushed ending do detract a bit. C.

(I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.)


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Goodreads: MegLacey

This book will be released on August 12, 2013 and can be purchased through Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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Published in3 starsBook reviewsC