Barnes & Noble is having a Nook Book Sale on scary reads right now–it’s a pretty eclectic mix. There’s a few Stephen King, Joyce Carol Oates, Wendy Corsi Straub, and Heather Graham, among many others. There’s even children’s books (a Berenstein Bears classic and Scaredy Squirrel, one of my favorites), middle grade books (like Ivy and Bean and the Ghost that Had to Go), and YA (Caroline Cooney’s Fatality). All together there’s 117 books–you’re sure to find something. They’re all under $5–many are $.99 and $1.99–so you shouldn’t break the bank too badly, at least.
I’m considering picking up the Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Paranormal. For $1.99, it can’t hurt to be prepared.
Amazon’s Daily Deal has “24 thrilling mysteries and other scary stories” on sale today. I’ve never read, nor am I even familiar with any of them, but felt I would be remiss if I didn’t even mention it. I would imagine they’ll also be price matching the Nook sale too, if you’re a Kindle-only reader.
Sadly, though, I have to run out for my super important nail appointment and don’t have time to check right now. Otherwise my nails will be scary enough to put even Stephen King to shame.
What’s your favorite scary story?
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