I have a confession to make–I’m a book club dropout. I was in one–once–and at the first book discussion (for Ian McEwan’s Atonement) when I dared to say I didn’t like the book (because, hello, it’s horrible–please don’t @ me, because you will NOT change my mind on that) one of the other women demanded, “Well, what have you read lately that you DO like?”
And my mind went blank. 100% totally blank. I couldn’t remember a single book that I’d ever read, let alone that I’d read lately. (Which is ridiculous. I did not read any less then than I do now–and surely we’ve all noticed that I read quite a bit, yes? I was just so taken aback by her rudeness, I just couldn’t even.)
So I went home and started a book notebook. It fit in my purse, had a lovely picture of fully stuffed bookshelves on the front, and it kept track of everything I was reading very nicely until it was full up.
So I bought another, and filled that one up too. I started on a third, and then finally discovered Goodreads. Now I’d always know what I’d read recently, and exactly how I felt about it. As long as I had access to the internet, anyway. (Though shockingly, I’d already quit that wretched book club full of Judgy McJudgersons, ages before.)
Fast forward a few years, and I discovered the magic of planners–especially reading planners. My first halfhearted attempt was with one I got in an Owlcrate box. It was undated, I set it up at the beginning of the year, started using it, then promptly forgot to update it until the year was almost over. But no worries, because by then I’d found the Bookworm Life planner and had it all set up to use for 2020. I was ready! I had goals! (Only one of which was keeping up with my reading planner.) I was going to participate in reading challenges!
And I did! Mostly. 😉 I filled out the monthly calendars with blog post and Library Journal book review dates, and put (almost) everything I was currently reading in the weekly pages (you can see many of the later-in-the-year weekly spreads in my Instagram feed). I’m so behind on the bookshelf pages that I don’t ever see myself finishing them at this point (my fault–I made it all too complicated by writing the titles in 16 different colors to represent 16 different genres it’s exhausting to get caught up on), but I did manage to finish several reading challenges: the yearly and three seasonal ones from Creating and Co, the Harry Potter and the Order of the Planners Flourish and Blotts Wizarding World Tour reading challenge (yes, that’s Harry Potter, AND planners, AND reading all in one group, it’s practically the trifecta of challenges), and of course my Goodreads challenge. Well, I finished that one with a teensy bit of cheating–once it became clear that 2020 had really and truly shot my focus all to heck and I needed to finish something like 8, maybe? books a week to win, I bumped my goal on that one down by 65 books. I’m not proud of it, but there we are.
So, without further ado, my 2020 reading goals and their outcomes:
1) Keep reading planner current–about 90% success. That darn bookshelf!
2) Finish blog books before their due date–nowhere near 100% success rate, but SO much better than 2019, it’s not even funny. I’m calling it successfulish
3) Participate in 2 reading challenges–success! Participated in and completed 6!
4) Read at least 18 audiobooks–success! Finished by 11/11/20
5) Read at least 9 nonfiction books–read 7, which I’m pleased with
6) Read at least 12 books from my TBR–read 10. But 2021 is a brand new year!
Now for 2021! A new year, a new planner! (Some) new goals! (Also some) new challenges! Here we go:
Planner: Always Fully Booked vertical layout
Goals (darn this planner, it has room for more):
1) Goodreads challenge (265. We’ll try it again, why not?)
2) TBR 2021 Challenge from Wendy the Super Librarian (because my TBR is OUT. OF. CONTROL)
3) HPOOTP Flourish and Blotts Magic in the Books reading challenge
4) Creating and Co yearly and seasonal challenges (starting with winter, because I finished the fall one on the eve of New Year’s Eve)
5) Rate the Romance’s #YearofSmut2021 challenge (just the regular one, because I’m not that crazy)
6) And this one from Peant Butter Taco ‘Bout Books (Romance Reading challenge)
oh, and
7) Read 9 nonfiction books (we’ll try again)
8) Read 20 audiobooks (why not?)
and finally–
9) Keep reading planner current.
Yes, I might have a small problem. No, I don’t do much outside of reading–other than work (in a LIBRARY) and sew masks (while listening to audiobooks or having my Kindle reading to me).
So–anyone want to join me?
You don’t have to go crazy buying planners and stickers and whatnot–though they’re a lot of fun–a regular notebook will do, and you can write the challenges in yourself. or even keep track of it all digitally. Creating and Co, Peanut Butter Taco ‘Bout Books, and HPOOTP Flourish and Blotts all have Facebook groups you can join, and you can follow Wendy the Super Librarian’s blog and/or follow both her and Rate the Romance (and me!) on Instagram.
But here’s what you’re really here for–the giveaway! Because I have a bit of a planner problem to go with my TBR problem (again, check out my IG feed) I have two unused, undated reading planners that I’m just not going to use. They’re both lovely, but I keep buying my own before they come, and I’d rather see them go to someone who will use them instead of sitting around my house gathering dust. They’re both from Owlcrate subscription boxes–from last December and the December before–are about an A5 size (8 1/2″ x 5 1/2″) and spiral bound. They have monthly spreads, weekly spreads, and all kinds of bookish goodness inside–bookcase graphics, room for book reviews, book wish lists, monthly wrap-ups, and more.
Want one? Enter the Rafflecopter below. Don’t wait, though–I want to get these out ASAP so you can use them sooner rather than later, so I’ll only keep it open for a week. Good luck!
TL;DR: book club scarred me, I read a lot, I do too many reading challenges, I love my reading planners, and I want to give you one. Enter my giveaway ASAP, please!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I don’t set goals as I never know how much time I’ll have to read with working so much.
I don’t set reading goals but my youngest daughter(25) does, her goal is to read 150 books. A couple years ago she met her goal of reading 200 books. My goal is to just read more, not 150 though! LOL
I don’t make reading goals because I’m a Registered Nurse and busy football mom so I have very little time to read and I don’t want to feel pressured to read more books.
don’t set any
My reading goal is 500 books
My goodreads challenge so far is 50 for the year and I have already finished one. Woohoo! Last year I read 32(it was a bad year). 2019 I read 83 books I think. I read mostly horror, sci-if, goth and historical fiction.
Literary fiction makes me want to vomit unless it’s John Irving. I do try though. I’m lacking in the non-fiction area. I do plan to read Obama’s book soon.
I am a Stephen King junkie and I’m not afraid to admit it. I’m 47 years old and have been reading him since I was a kid. I purposely look for female authors to read because I do get stuck on old white men.
Current read is Hidden City by Alan Baxter. Only reason I picked it up is because I follow him on twitter. He’s super cool.
Favorite book of 2020 was The Hidden People by Alison Littlewood.
Yea I’m rambling. But…books are my thing.
I don’t set goals, but I will definitely read more books this year (I got a Kobo for Christmas)!
Awesome! I hope you love it, and good luck! 🙂
LOL, that’s fine–books are kind of my thing too. I’m also guilty of reading a lot of Stephen King in my childhood–I started in 7th grade, I think? I haven’t read too many of his more recent books, though I did finally get to Doctor Sleep this fall and loved it!
Good luck!
Wow! Good luck, and enjoy!
That’s fine! I didn’t used to either. Good luck!
Reading shouldn’t be a chore or something that puts more pressure on you, I agree! You have to do what is best for you. Good luck 🙂
Reading more is a perfectly acceptable goal! No need to get bogged down in numbers. I hope you succeed–good luck 🙂
That’s fine! Reading should be a relaxing escape, not another thing to add pressure to your life. Good luck 🙂
More exercise, outings & self-improvement.
Great list! Good luck 🙂
My reading goal is 110 this year & I’m doing a reading challenge that I’ve done for a few years now.
Nice! Good luck with your goals (and the contest :))
I pledge to read more actual books and less fanfiction…
Mid-year last year I had to promise myself to listen to more audiobooks and less podcasts, so I sympathize! Good luck 🙂