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Category: book festivals

New Release Review and Giveaway! ONE NIGHT OF TEMPTATION by Darcy Burke (Wicked Dukes Club #6)

Title: One Night of Temptation Release Date: 6/25/19 Author: Darcy Burke Series: Wicked Dukes Club, book 6 Available Format: ebook, mass market print ISBN: 9781944576516 ASIN: B07NDJSG4T Faced with a marriage she can’t abide, Lady Penelope Wakefield takes drastic measures to preserve her freedom. Her brilliant plan is foolproof until a sexy but imperious rector “rescues” her. Rector Hugh Tarleton has no patience for the Society philanthropists who seek to bestow their pity—and not much else—on his oppressed flock in one of London’s worst neighborhoods. When the daughter of a marquess is kidnapped and brought to the rookery, he vows…

Share Your #ForeverMoments – Jennifer Armentrout’s FOREVER WITH YOU is out today (Wait for You #5–with giveaways!)

FOREVER WITH YOU by Jennifer Armentrout (book #5 in her Wait for You series) features some amazing friendships along with a fantastic romance. To celebrate, today is #ForeverMoments Day–when we celebrate the moments in life that will stay with us forever, and the people who were there with us, the ones who will stay with us forever. Share your #ForeverMoments on social media today–in addition to the Rafflecopter giveaway below, there will also be a random winner picked from all those posting on Twitter today using the hashtag! Personally, I don’t think it’s possible to choose just one #ForeverMoment–I could…

Week in Review: What I’m Reading (and didn’t have time to read–because, hello–Baltimore Book Festival! 9-29-13)

  Well, the Baltimore Book Festival is over, and we’re on our way back to the real world again. Sadly. But we did have an awesome time, talked and listened to lots of interesting people, and increased our TBR piles by…well, a lot. (That latter bit is a good thing, right? I’m going to say yes.) So…not a ton of reading got done last week, but I’m planning on playing catch up on the long train ride back. As soon as I finish my post, that is. I read and reviewed Ivy Entwined by Laura Simcox, a new-to-me author who I plan…

Baltimore Book Festival Day Two: A Super Day–with Books!

I’m exhausted. All of this traipsing around Maryland, talking about and listening to other people talking about books is draining. I want to get the day’s events down before I forget them all, though. Hopefully I’ll do better tonight than last night–I kept mixing up which Mini Moe was which, and they both took offense. I did let Mini Moe #2 edit the post herself, which mollified her somewhat. But I’ve been put on notice for today, so I have to be more careful. Mini Moe #2 served as photographer today as well. I tried to take a picture by myself…

Baltimore Book Festival Day One: Fan Girl Alert!

  Let me start by saying that Mini Moe #2 decided a week ago that she needed her own distinct text ringtone on my phone. She picked her own–it’s called Sci-Fi, and it’s got a very eerie feel to it. One could say it’s very Twilight Zone-ish. The kind of ringtone you don’t really want to suddenly hear while you’re working all alone in your place of work that may or may not be haunted. It also stands out in a not-so-great way when you’re in a very small, quite busy, yet somehow quiet mini-mart in the heart of Baltimore’s…

What I’m Reading: Week in Review (9/21/13)

It’s official–fall is here. I’d be more bummed, except that in this case it means we’re that much closer to the day we leave for the Baltimore Book Festival! Yes! It’s almost here! We’ll be spending this week packing, doing laundry (thank goodness for audiobooks!), and planning which talks and workshops we want to go to…oh, and school, of course. Can’t forget school. Though sometimes we’d like to–especially during the week of Parent Information Night. I’m going to really earn those personal days this week. But I digress…. I read the two books in Sarah Mayberry’s Matthews sisters series–Her Favorite…

Baltimore Book Festival–It’s Coming! (And We’re Hopefully Going!)

Mini Moe #2 and I were beyond excited to hear that MEG CABOT is going to be at the Baltimore Book Festival next month! Here’s the details from their website: ENTER A WORLD OF LITERARY ADVENTURE THIS FALL WITH THE BALTIMORE BOOK FESTIVAL ON SEPTEMBER 27-29, 2013 From best-selling books and e-readers to celebrity and local authors, come celebrate the art of the written word at the Baltimore Book Festival. The mid-Atlantic’s premier celebration of the literary arts returns on Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28 from noon to 8pm and Sunday, September 29 from noon to 7pm in Mount Vernon…