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Tag: nanowrimo

What I’m Reading: A Week in Review as NaNoWriMo Approacheth…. (10-26-13)

Mini Moe #2 and I are headed over the border today–to the Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake to see Our Betters by W. Somerset Maugham. It’s kind of last minute–a friend had extra tickets. Their website says it’s similar to Downton Abbey, which we’ve both watched and liked…well, MM#2 liked it until she saw the season finale last year. Since then she’s been a little bitter; hopefully nothing like that will happen this afternoon. It’s recommended for ages 14 and up–fingers crossed that I won’t have to spend too much time covering her eyes. NaNoWriMo begins this Friday! Don’t worry–still plenty of time to…

What I’m Reading: Week in Review (10-20-13)

All three Moes woke up bright and early this morning to drive down to (sunny, thank goodness–it’s been a rainy few days) Buffalo, New York to take part in the Gold and Blue Star Military Family Tribute Walk. All proceeds from the event will go towards a memorial for all the western New Yorkers (so far there have been 64) who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the sponsors was our very own Buffalo Sabres, and several current and former players were there to show their support. The Mini Moes cornered Cody Hodgson (a goal-scorer in…

Week in Review: What I’m Reading (10-11-2013)

While watching the latest version of Emma with Mini Moe #2 to get ready for the first two episodes of Emma Approved (latest offering from Pemberley Digital, the lovely people who brought us The Lizzie Bennett Diaries), I was suddenly struck with an idea for my NaNo novel. (This is huge, because it usually doesn’t happen until panic mode has set in, somewhere around October 31st. If at all.) For whatever reason, I was fixated on Jane Fairfax this time around, and just how rotten Frank Churchill treats her. To be fair, it does usually bother me, but this time I…