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Tag: what i’m reading

Bookish Bingo: Holiday Edition Recap…and Bookish Bingo: 2015 New Year (Because I’m a glutton for punishment)

I just can’t stop myself… Well, I covered a bunch of squares but didn’t end up with too many actual bingos, darn it. Obviously I need to read more strategically. Here’s what I read (with review links, if I did a review): A re-read: ON WRITING by Stephen King (love, love, love this book. Read by the author–bonus!) A serial killer: FALLEN by Leslie Tentler Horror: THE SHINING by Stephen King (even creepier than I remembered–and now I’m ready to read DOCTOR SLEEP!) Red Cover: KILL ME SOFTLY by Sarah Cross (loved the concept, but main character drove me crazy with…

Bookish Bingo Wrap-Up–and a New Challenge!

September–and summer (SOB!) are over–so it’s time for the Summer Bookish Bingo reckoning! A Stand-alone—Attachments by Rainbow Rowell (reviewed here) Sky on Cover—Love Bites by Ophelia London (reviewed here) MC is LGBTIA—October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepherd by Leasea Newman (listened on audio on September 7–was a free selection from SYNC this summer) Set During Summer—Natural Born Charmer by Susab Elizabeth Phillips (reviewed here) Pink Cover—Ready to Wed by Cindi Madsen (reviewed here) Starts with S, U, M, E, or R—So I Married a Werewolf by Kristin Miller (reviewed here) A Thriller—Cheating Justice by Misty Evans and Adrienne Giordano (reviewed…

The Week in Review: What I’m Reading 3-8-14

Curse you, Daylight Savings Time! photo credit: Brandon Christopher Warren via photopin cc Here it is. My least favorite weekend all year. Losing an hour of reading time…I mean, grading time. Yeah. That’s it. I can’t really afford to lose an hour of sleep either. But on the bright side–at least it’s not on my birthday this year. That’s not until Tuesday 🙂 photo credit: JD Hancock via photopin cc So…I need to make the most of the little time I have this week, clearly. Just this morning I finished reading Stim by Kevin Berry for a review later on this week.…

Holiday Break! Time to Get to Work…(the fun kind–and what I’m reading while I do it 12-21-13)

Okay, so I didn’t actually blow kisses at their buses. But only because I’m on the wrong side of the building! School’s out for two whole weeks (Alleluia! Alleluia!), which means it’s time to get serious about Christmas. I made five of the “Tweet Note and Photo Holders” for coworkers, but sadly I gave them all away before remembering to take a picture. I’m making six more as I type this (okay, I was working on them before I typed, and I will again as soon as I’m done. I’m not literally working on them while I type. I’m not that good)…

Week in Review: What I’m Reading (Writing. I mean WRITING. 11-9-13)

  It’s November 9, so all the WriMos out there know what that means, right? Time for the all-day writing marathon, online and locally! (I get emails from my local chapter, but have yet to actually attend any of their events. If you’re not as lame as I am, you can find your local liaison here and see if they have anything planned that you can join in on.) It’s also a big day for donations, so if you think the NaNoWriMo program is one that should be kept going, please consider a donation! You’ll get a cool halo on…

Week in Review: What I’m Reading (and didn’t have time to read–because, hello–Baltimore Book Festival! 9-29-13)

  Well, the Baltimore Book Festival is over, and we’re on our way back to the real world again. Sadly. But we did have an awesome time, talked and listened to lots of interesting people, and increased our TBR piles by…well, a lot. (That latter bit is a good thing, right? I’m going to say yes.) So…not a ton of reading got done last week, but I’m planning on playing catch up on the long train ride back. As soon as I finish my post, that is. I read and reviewed Ivy Entwined by Laura Simcox, a new-to-me author who I plan…

What I’m Reading: Week in Review (8/31/13)

  Oh, I am soooo in denial that tomorrow is September first. Actually, it’s in an hour and a half, but I’m still going to label it tomorrow because that makes me feel better. See? Not just a river in Egypt. It’s all in my head, and I’m fine with that. With the dreaded “S” word starting soon, I haven’t been able to read as much this week as I wanted to, darn it. I’m still working my way through Notice and Note: Strategies for Close Reading, and if I can finish it by the end of next week I’ll be…