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Book Review and New Release: Take Me by Diane Alberts (Taking a Chance #4)

Cover_Take Me (Take a Chance #4) - Diane Alberts

Title: Take Me
Author: Diane Alberts
Genre: contemporary romance
Published: 2013
Format read: 
Rating: B-

It’s official: Take Me is definitely my favorite of the Take a Chance series. I liked both Mike and Morgan’s characters, and was happy with how they got to their HEA.

Middle school history teacher Mike Worth has watched his friends and siblings fall in love for three books now, all the time knowing that their path just wasn’t for him. At his best friend Garrett’s bachelor party, though, he meets the woman who just might change his mind….

Morgan Collins isn’t interested in anything long term beyond her dancing career. Knowing that her time on stage definitely comes with an expiration date, she’s glad that Mike isn’t interested in forever either. So why do they both wake up after a night on the town with suspiciously shiny rings on their left hands?

Ah, a teacher hero. Really, what more can I want? Though I do have to say, he didn’t have to do nearly the amount of prep work that I do when a sub is coming in, which I find grossly unfair, even if it is fiction. But I digress….

For a we-got-drunk-and-got-married story, this one was fairly believable. I was a bit concerned for a while there that Morgan was going to make a sacrifice that I didn’t think she should have to make to get them to their happy ending, but thankfully Ms. Alberts didn’t have her go that route. A sweet little epilogue wrapped the series up nicely, putting all the series characters together in one place for readers to enjoy.

(Although…what about Alistair? I’d love to see him get his own story….)

In a nutshell: a short and sweet novella that makes a fairly unbelievable premise almost believable. Entertaining read with likable characters. B- rating.

I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Published in4 starsB-Book reviewsrelease day