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The Week in Review: What I’m Reading 3-8-14

Curse you, Daylight Savings Time!

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Here it is. My least favorite weekend all year. Losing an hour of reading time…I mean, grading time. Yeah. That’s it.

I can’t really afford to lose an hour of sleep either.

But on the bright side–at least it’s not on my birthday this year. That’s not until Tuesday 🙂

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So…I need to make the most of the little time I have this week, clearly.

Just this morning I finished reading Stim by Kevin Berry for a review later on this week. It was a nice accompaniment to The Rosie Project, which  I listened to last week. Both feature male narrator/main characters, which is quite a departure from the usual for me. Stay tuned for full reviews.

Next I started on Victoria James’s The Rancher’s Second Chance, which is a great read so far. I’ll follow up with the next installment in Susan Mallery’s Blackberry Island series, Evening Stars, and finish the week with Aphrodite’s War by Donna Milward. Piece of advice: don’t tick off a goddess.

I’d really, really like to squeeze in Kristan Higgins’s latest, Waiting on Youin there somewhere, but with report card grades closing it’ll probably have to wait until closer to the end of the month 🙁

On audio I’m finally listening to Divergent by Veronica Roth. Mini Moe #2 and the entire seventh grade class (well, the female portion, anyway) wore me down. Plus, MM#2 is going to want to see it opening weekend, and I’m practically incapable of seeing a movie based on a book without reading the book first, so…

I’m liking it, for the most part. Just this evening while doing the dinner dishes I started the half of the audiobook (which is “broken into parts to make the download faster”–can you tell I listen to a lot of Audible audiobooks?), so I’ll be definitely be done on time to buy the popcorn. So far I like Tris a whole heck of a lot better as a heroine than I liked Katniss, so maybe I’ll even read book two in this series. (And by “read” I mean listen to, of course. On my new iPod Nano. Which is due to arrive–on my birthday. Happy birthday to me!)

It probably will not brought to the house by an Imperial Stormtrooper, though.


What are you reading this week?

Published inBOOKS!What I'm reading