Title: Bloomsbury Girls: A NovelAuthor: Natalie Jenner Genre: Historical FictionPublisher: St Martin’s Press (May 17, 2022)Length: (304) pagesHardcover ISBN: 978-1250276698Audiobook ISBN: 978-1250852311eBook ASIN: B09CNDV5GJ “One bookshop. Fifty-one rules. Three women who break them all.” The Internationally Bestselling author of The Jane Austen Society returns with a compelling and heartwarming story of post-war London, a century-old bookstore, and three women determined to find their way in a fast-changing world. Bloomsbury Books is an old-fashioned new and rare bookstore that has persisted and resisted change for a hundred years, run by men and guided by the general manager’s unbreakable fifty-one rules. But in…
I read. And quilt. A lot.