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Rambling About Series: Guest Post and Giveaway with Lisa Kessler, Author of Hunter’s Moon

Rambling about Series


Hi everyone –


Big thanks to Becky for the blog spot today! 🙂


I’m a big time rambler, usually about books too! Since Hunter’s Moon is the newest addition to my Moon Series, I thought it would be fun to chat about series in general.


I’m a huge series reader. When I love a book, it makes it that much sweeter when I see it’s part of a series. It’s like knowing you’ll get to travel back to this same world again, sometimes even visit with the same characters you’ve grown to love. It’s addicting!


And as a writer, I now have two series out. The Night Series is my Mayan vampire series and now the Moon Series which is my werewolf and jaguar shifter series. There were some challenges I never expected when writing a series though.  Both of my series feature VERY different heroes, as well as different writing styles. The Night Series is written in third person point of view with mysterious immortal heroes, and my new Moon Series is writing in alternating first person with a very contemporary set of heroes in the Pack.


Sometimes when I’m editing a book in one series while trying to write a book in the other series, it takes me a while to shift gears in my head to get the feel! LOL.  However, it’s so much fun to have the freedom to write in both worlds!  I love it! 🙂


So as a reader, do you enjoy reading series?  What do you like (or hate) about series?


Thanks for chatting with me!



Thanks, Lisa–great post! I love to read books in a series–when you “meet” characters from previous books in later ones, it’s like seeing old friends again; and when you really love a series story, it’s great to know there’s more where that came from!

In case you missed it, I reviewed Lisa’s newest book, Hunter’s Moon (book two in the Moon series) earlier this week–you can LisaKessler_HuntersMoon_1600RGB (1)read my thoughts here. Spoiler alert–I loved it!

(But seriously, check out that cover. How could I not love it, with inspiration like that in front of me? 😉 )

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Published inauthor eventblog tourBOOKS!GIVEAWAYguest postnew releasespotlight


  1. I swooned when I saw the cover!!! Perfect for the book! 🙂

    Thanks for commenting Deborah! I hope you enjoy Hunter’s Moon!

    Lisa 🙂

  2. andie andie

    Really neat earrings – so unique. Perfect for Halloween and the Amazon GC would be great before Christmas.

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