My keyboard is on fire this first weekend of NaNoWriMo, I tell you!
Okay, maybe not exactly on fire. Unless when you look to the left of this panel you see a really big number in my NaNo widget. Then you’ll know I had a really productive afternoon here.
I can dream, right?
I tried to get as much reading in as possible before November 1st hit, which explained why I spent most of day one figuring out how to use Aeon Timeline for the first time and remembering how to use Scrivener again.
On the plus side, I found out that both programs offer free trials, so if you’re doing NaNo too (or even if you’re not) you can test drive them this month to see if you like them. Both companies are sponsors of NaNoWriMo and have special offers going on both for winners and participants. (Which sounds much better than “winners and losers”–there are no losers in NaNoWriMo!) Scrivener has even developed a novel template specifically geared toward WriMos, which current users can also download and use. Awesomeness all around.
So…on to the books. I read Down the Aisle by Christine Bell, and really enjoyed it. I’ve already put the first two books in the series on my Kindle, and fully intend to read them both in my spare time. (Does anyone else hear that maniacal laughter, or is that just me?) Next I picked up Falling for the Marine by Samanthe Beck, a series which I had already read book one of. (Ha! Take that, inner mocking voices!) I loved, loved, loved it, and conveniently, the review was posted earlier today. I cannot wait for more from those McCade brothers. Next I read Far Too Tempting by Lauren Blakely, which will be reviewed here tomorrow. Another great read.
And…yikes, that’s it. Next up I’m going to squeeze in a few novellas–Ghosts of the Falls by Sarah Gilman and Libby Bishop’s Ghosts of Kingston Cottage to start with. Then…(ugh! Too much to read! Too little time!) I need to read Lori Wilde’s The Christmas Cookie Collection and Jenn McKinlay’s Read it and Weep. Plus I still really, really want to get to Kristan Higgins’s The Perfect Match, oh, like yesterday. I can totally get this all done, and write, right? Sleeping, eating, schoolwork…optional, surely?
On audio, I haven’t had a lot of reading time–still working my way through Riordan’s latest, The House of Hades.
That’s all I’ve got. What are you reading–or writing–these days?
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