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Cover Reveal and Giveaway! DARK TOMORROW by Jeremiah Franklin

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Hello, Readers! Welcome to the Cover Reveal for

Dark Tomorrow by Jeremiah Franklin

presented by Month9Books!

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Dark Tomorrow cover

Dark Tomorrow
by Jeremiah Franklin
Release Date: September 18, 2018
Publisher: Month9Books

When a deadly virus decimates the majority of Earth’s population, 16-year-old Sawyer Bradshaw finds he is both immune and alone in a world that has descended into violent chaos. Armed with only his estranged father’s shotgun, and an unrelenting desire to stay alive, Sawyer discovers that he not only has an uncanny knack for cheating death, but also for taking lives. Still, it is not long before he meets his match in a fierce and cunning teenage girl named Sara and by her side Sawyer emerges as more than just a natural-born killer, but also as a leader among men. Nevertheless, as quick as the young survivors fall desperately in love, they find themselves caught up in a series of conspiracies and twisted struggles for power, and they soon realize that more often than not, love, betrayal, and death, tend to walk hand in hand.

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Jeremiah Franklin author photo


Jeremiah Franklin is a former private investigator, arm-chair survivalist, and author of the Dark Tomorrow trilogy. When he is not creating thrilling post-apocalyptic worlds, or discussing himself in the third person, the author enjoys reading, staying active, and spending time outdoors with family and friends. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Education, and several other certifications that no one really cares about.

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One Comment

  1. Becky Becky

    The cover makes me think of Halloween.

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