Thanks so much for agreeing to be with us today, Chloe!
Thank you for having me 🙂
What 5 things should readers know about you?
I’m incessantly curious—I love learning about new concepts and fields, and I find researching for a character outside my knowledge very exciting. I believe romance with realistic and body/sex-positive sex is incredibly important. I love reading fiction and nonfiction equally. I deeply value connecting with readers and hearing their experience of my stories.
I agree that body/sex positivity is so important in romance! I wish more genres followed suit…
Where did the inspiration for this book come from?
Nairne came to me in a season of life where I was reclaiming a lot of lost identity. As I found myself learning to be my authentic self, to take pride and put my energy into my work and interests in life, this fierce, resilient woman was born in my mind.
Oooh, I like this—knowing the inspiration should make reading the book an even better experience!
How long have you been writing, and what (or who) inspired you to start?
I’ve always written. I journaled as a girl. Wrote fantasies about little girls going through harrowing experiences and always coming out victorious. As I got older, I moved into reading voraciously and then in college I was an English Lit major who wrote literary criticism all day, so I did step away from fiction writing for a time. I’ve always written because I needed to. I can’t not write. It’s how I process the world. How I deal with what’s happening around me and inside me.
That’s great!
What are you working on right now? What can readers look for from you in the next year?
I’m wrapping up my final draft of Book Three, They’re a Match, which will conclude Nairne and Zed’s story. Then there will be two books at least that belong in this world but aren’t centered on Nairne and Zed. They’ll be about different couples in their lives, and the chronology will pick up right where we left off with Nairne and Zed at the end of Book Three.
Awesome! It sounds like you’ll be busy 🙂
What are you currently reading, and what are your thoughts about it so far?
I’m about one third of the way through The Hating Game. I love the writing and the banter. I’m flummoxed how two people could treat each other like that though, so I’m butting up against a challenge to relational realism which is usually a struggle for me. Give me the most outlandish external circumstances—I’m there, but if I can’t buy that two people would actually act like that I have a hard time staying invested. I’m hoping I can finish it though. It really is a delightful read in so many ways. I’m also starting What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker, by local author Damon Young. I care deeply about race relations in Pittsburgh, and part of how I want to stay informed on it is reading experiences and voices of people of color in my community.
It’s so important to stay connected to local events and issues! I hope you make it through The Hating Game; it’s on my TBR and I’m looking forward to reading it.
If you had to “sell” your book in a single Tweet, what would you say?
“Hot nerds. Brainy jocks. Contemporary romance that’s as sexy as it is smart.” It’s more or less my tagline for my website J.
Perfect! Thanks so much, Chloe!

About the author:
Chloe’s always been a sucker for a suspenseful steamy romance, ever since she managed to find the one saucy mystery series hiding in her high school’s prim little library. Nothing drives her crazier than a story that cranks up the heat, then closes the door on the reader’s face, so don’t read her books if you don’t want to know what actually happens when the lights fade to black…
When she’s not writing, Chloe’s busy reading books of all genres, rereading Harry Potter (which she can’t help but make her characters similarly obsessed over), and playing catch-up with her bad@$$ little girls. She’s also been known to scramble around the pitch for a pick-up soccer match and run along the river while dreaming up her next book.
Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

She’s a Spitfire
Chloe Liese
(Tough Love #2)
Publication date: June 24th 2019
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense
One fiery-haired, sexy scientist finds her perfect complement in a dark and handsome soccer star. Opposites attract, and they’ve got chemistry that’s explosive—literally.
Physics calls it entropy. Philosophy calls it Murphy’s Law: If something can go wrong, eventually it will. Professionally and personally speaking, Zed’s familiar with the principle. After a decade of trying to alter the atomic makeup of the mafia from its nucleus, now he’s set on leaving The Life and pursuing his heart. Problem is, the sassy, hot-headed spitfire he can’t quit is meddling in his slow burn escape plan, and turning it into full-on combustion.
Not to mention, Nairne’s got a painful history she won’t talk about and more secrets than she has lab instruments—which is really saying something. In an ideal world, the bad boy footballer would follow the brainy beauty overseas and they’d live happily ever after. But Murphy’s Law is proven true, as Zed finds his world imploding and his escape plan foiled. These enemies turned lovers end up discovering how costly it can be to meet the right person at the wrong time.
A present he can’t escape.
A past she can’t forget.
A future they won’t stop fighting for.
They say all’s fair in love…and war.
Book Two in the Tough Love Series—an enemies to lovers, suspenseful romance, full of sexy Italians, feisty heroines, globe-trotting action, and an ending that’ll both satisfy you and leave you ready for more!
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I read He’s a Brute and loved it! I can’t wait to get the other 2 books.
Thanks for being on the tour! 🙂
I’m so glad! They’re on my TBR 🙂
My pleasure! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Thank you. Sounds really great.