Mind of Mine
by C.F.E. Black
Genre: YA Sci-fi
Release Date: August
7th 2019
V is a genius. She also frequently forgets her own name.
Raised to put science over self, V must link her brain with fifteen other people, making her one of the world’s smartest humans. With this privilege comes a life dedicated to continual research inside a secluded facility, a life devoid of freedom. But she is losing her identity, unable to predict which face will peer back at her from the nearest mirror.
Escaping this life will mean freedom to think for herself, but it will mean abandoning everything she’s ever known, ever loved. Will it be worth it?

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Marcus and I meet up a few minutes before seven o’clock. We have just enough time to stream and get back to the Caf for dinner. There are his frozen eyes holding so much newness they might crack and spill forth the living water within.
“I take it you had fun in the vac lab today?”
He nods, his splintering smile wreaking havoc in my gut. He and I clip off underneath a doorway stamped with words so common I don’t read them anymore.
As we approach the milky white door of the nearest streaming pod, Marcus’ excitement overflows and he begins, “Today in lab I had—”
“Hush,” I say with a small smile. Talking about what we will stream is pointless. It will all be said soon and without the chaff of words.
Only when I am with Marcus does the opaque white door before me not freeze my insides. Only with him am I not afraid of what happens behind this door. Streaming with Marcus is the one thing that feels like it belongs to me, even more than my research, which could be deleted at the touch of a button. Marcus cannot be deleted from my mind, nor I from his. And that makes me feel like, at least to him, I exist as an individual.
That is why we do this, after all. To remind us—most often just me—who we really are. Especially after a punishing day of deluge in the box—a day spent hooked up to fifteen other minds crashing simultaneously into my own—I need a grounder. I need this.
The thunder in his chest when he looks at me.
Thunder that, somehow, I create, not just another Five.

About the author:
C. F. E. Black learned her love of literature from her two professor parents and a handful of excellent English teachers. She now pours this love back into young people by teaching high school and writing novels for teens. Aside from work, if she’s not at local coffee shops penning her next novel, she’s running, reading, being mom, or just dancing in the kitchen to too-loud music. She lives in north Alabama with her husband, son, two droopy hound dogs, and a cat named Sprinkles.
Social Media Links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/author_cfeblack/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cfeblack
Website: https://www.cfeblack.com/