Thanks so much for agreeing to be with us today, Nicola!
What 5 things should readers know about you?
Hmmmm. I am an unashamed history geek, I’m from New Zealand, sex scenes are my favorite to write, I spend way too much time online, and I will fight anyone who attempts to come between me and dessert.
LOL—I’m with you on numbers 1, 4, and 5. Especially 5.
Where did the inspiration for your book come from?
Good question! I’m not entirely sure. I felt a bit jaded with Regency and wanted to write something completely different. Era and relationship. I’ve written a few Scottish characters, but wanted to set a book in Scotland, way back in late medieval time, so I could go full history geek. I researched for two months before I began writing Scandalous Passions, it turns out that the court of James IV was pretty wild and bawdy, so it suited perfectly. And I do enjoy writing the ménage dynamic.
It was absolutely represented as wild and bawdy—as I read I kept asking myself, what DO I know about this time period and place? The answer is, next to nothing! But after reading, I’m really tempted to do some research myself, because, yeah. Wild and bawdy indeed…I should probably get on that before the next book in the series comes out, so I’ve got the inside scoop next time! 😉
What are you working on right now? What can readers look for from you in the next year?
The second book in the Highland Ménage series, Wicked Passions (MMF) releases on August 24. I also have a couple of historical romance anthology projects releasing late in the year that I’m really excited about but can’t share details quite yet. After that I’ll be ready for a holiday!
Oh, yay! I can’t wait to read the next book! I’ll have to keep my eye out for those anthologies, too 🙂
What are you currently reading, and what are your thoughts about it so far?
I’ve been busy prepping for this upcoming release day, so not reading anything right now. But I do have a large TBR pile of sexy paranormal and contemporary books to get stuck into. I like a good palate refresher after being deep in history land for months.
I can’t say I blame you! Hope you get some time to enjoy reading soon!
If you had to “sell” your book in a single Tweet, what would you say?
It’s an erotic FFM medieval Scottish ménage, fem domme widow + plump convent virgin + cinnamon roll warrior. Hot sex, history, and heart!
OMG, yes! That’s perfect! “Cinnamon roll” is exactly how I’d describe him…and I had an incredible craving for them while I was reading. Coincidence? I think not… 😉
Thanks again for stopping by, Nicola! I LOVED Scandalous Passions—watch for my review here tomorrow!
About the author:
NICOLA DAVIDSON worked for many years in media and government communications, but hasn’t looked back since she decided writing erotic historical romance was infinitely more fun. When not chained to a computer she can be found ambling along one of New Zealand’s beautiful beaches, cheering on the All Blacks rugby team, history geeking on the internet, or daydreaming. If this includes chocolate—even better!

Scotland, 1504.
Lady Janet Fraser didn’t earn her reputation as Scotland’s most notorious sinner by following the rules. A former mistress of King James IV, she’s content to live her life from pleasure to pleasure. Even if those pleasures—and people—are forbidden.
People like Sir Lachlan Ross, given the moniker The Highland Beast, a man as intimidating in battle as he is in size. A beast she discovers secretly wishes to be tamed and submit to her dominance.
Or like her new ward, Lady Marjorie Hepburn, a convent-raised virgin with a desire to be taught all the sensual secrets of the marriage bed. Things that Janet is fully willing to teach her, again and again. There’s much for her to learn.
And forbidden pleasures like the three of them together in one bed.
But Lachlan and Marjorie both have ties to the king. As wicked lusts are indulged and affection unexpectedly grows into love, breaking the rules this time could mean all of their undoing…
SCANDALOUS PASSIONS releases tomorrow, May 11!
[…] A Conversation with Nicola Davidson, Author of SCANDALOUS PASSIONS (Highland Menage #1) […]