Thanks so much for agreeing to be with us today! What 5 things should readers know about you?
I live in Chicago, I have a twin, I’m originally from Maryland, I believe my characters are real, and I love a good fancy bottle of Jameson.
Oooh, a twin—fun! And of course your characters are real…aren’t they? 😉
Where did the inspiration for this book come from?
This book’s inspiration came from my friends in Chicago. I wrote a book five to six years ago about me moving to Chicago, coming out, and dealing with heartbreak. I wanted to keep that vibe alive, and I wrote this book for that. It’s not the second where I found my group of friends, and how they get me through everything.
Great inspo—I like it!
How long have you been writing, and what (or who) inspired you to start?
I’ve been writing since I was eight. I wrote a couple of chapters when I was little. I finished my first novel at seventeen. I honestly have no clue how I started writing. I just fell in love with it, and I never wanted to stop.
What are you working on right now? What can readers look for from you in the next year?
I’m working on my 50th novel. It’s going to be my favorite book. I’m finishing the last handful of chapters right now, and I’m ready for the world to experience it. I’m hoping to have that out by May. Then I’m doing a bit like Netflix, and I’m releasing a whole trilogy all the same day, so I’m ready for it.
Wow—a trilogy in a day! And your 50th novel? Amazing!
What are you currently reading, and what are your thoughts about it so far?
I’m not reading anything at all, but If I’m looking to reread a book, it’s Fan Girl. I’m obsessed with the novel.
Oooh, that one’s on my TBR—I really need to get to it sooner rather than later!
If you had to “sell” your book in a single Tweet, what would you say?
You come for the humor and fun, but you stay for the love of friendship and finding yourself.
Nice! Thanks again for stopping by, Zachary!

About the author:
Zachary Ryan grew up in a black-and-white box in Maryland, before moving to Chicago to start a new life. There, he found that he was accepted for his misfit status–and learned that it’s perfectly normal to spend your twenties feeling lost and confused.
After a disastrous sexual encounter, Ryan stumbled on a group of true friends, or “soul cluster,” that he connected with. Through his writing, he hopes to help other broken souls out there find comfort amid the chaos.
Website / Facebook / Goodreads

Thirst Trap
Zachary Ryan
Published by: Kingston Publishing Company
Publication date: November 4th 2019
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
Tragedy comes in all forms, and you never know how you’ll deal with it. Four friends have all dealt with their fair share of struggles. Dillion, an aspiring writer with writers block because of his brothers sudden death, Jesse the emotional stunted drink thanks to his boyfriend’s suicide, Ivan the abused victim just looking for a place to call home, and Leo the stubborn romantic trying to get his friends to open up, while keeping his issues close to his chest.
With these four friends, they avoid all their elephants in the room like a death card agreement between Dillion and Jesse, Ivan completely hoping his abusive lover with change or even Leo focusing on his friends problems instead of his own. Can these four friends learn to embrace and accept their own tragedy or will they be stuck in the past?
Thirst Trap is a humorous coming of age novel dealing with sexuality, tragedy, substance abuse, and the most beautiful insane friendships.
Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo
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I enjoyed The High School Queens Trilogy Series so much!
Sounds like a good book.
Thanks for being on the tour! 🙂
I really like the cover.
Sounds really good
Congrats on the release!
This is going on my tbr list!