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Category: what I’m working on

A New Quilt! (Finally!) My Cousin’s Baby Quilt

I finished a new quilt–just in time for the baby shower (yesterday) and before graduate school starts up again (tomorrow)! Most of the patterned rectangles are from pre-cut 2 1/2″ strips, and a very few (five fabrics, I think? No more than that, definitely) were from actual yardage or fat quarters. 2 1/2″ strips are commonly sold in collections of 40 strips each (usually an entire fabric collection’s worth) and are called jelly rolls. I love collecting them (so pretty! so many new fabrics all at once!), but am very slow to use them up. I have a tendency to…

Happy New Year! Hospice Quilt #2 Finished in 2014, and My Quilting Resolutions for 2015

Now that I’m gainfully employed again and only taking four classes instead of five (though right now I’m on winter break–whooo hooo!), I fully intend to get more quilting done this year. On the very last day of 2014, I finished my second Hospice t-shirt quilt (see #1 here):   It’s not the best quality picture–Mini Moe#2 took it with her phone and we were having lighting issues. It looks much better in person, I promise 😉 Since a few of the designs were quite wide–but not enough of them to make an entire wide column–I decided to make the…

Ready…Set…NaNoWriMo! Help Scott Westerfeld Write a Flash Twitter Story with SimonTeen Pulseit

This is so cool! Writing really is done just one sentence at a time… Feeling daunted by NaNoWriMo, but still want to write? Never fear, Pulseit is here! Join@simonteen and #pulseitwrites for a twitter flash fiction story that will span the entire month! How it Works: Author extraordinare, Scott Westerfeld, tweets out the first line of the story. Tweet the next sentence using #pulseitwrites. They’ll pick their favorite the next day at 5 PM EST and retweet the next line of the story! Follow the entire story through Simon Teen Pulseit’s blogpost! Check out the original post here.

Bonus Saturday Morning Video: Get Ready for NaNoWriMo with founder Chris Baty!

ONE WEEK TO GO. I will be ready. Maybe. Probably. I hope…. What is NaNoWriMo? I’m so glad you asked! Hear all about it from Chris Baty himself–the guy who wrote No Plot? No Problem! and started this whole crazy shebang. The audio’s not great for the first few minutes of the video, but the problem is resolved fairly quickly, so it’s worth it to stick with it. It’s not too late to join the insanity! 😉

Holiday Break! Time to Get to Work…(the fun kind–and what I’m reading while I do it 12-21-13)

Okay, so I didn’t actually blow kisses at their buses. But only because I’m on the wrong side of the building! School’s out for two whole weeks (Alleluia! Alleluia!), which means it’s time to get serious about Christmas. I made five of the “Tweet Note and Photo Holders” for coworkers, but sadly I gave them all away before remembering to take a picture. I’m making six more as I type this (okay, I was working on them before I typed, and I will again as soon as I’m done. I’m not literally working on them while I type. I’m not that good)…

Seriously Awesome Proposal! (Week in Review 12/8/13)

I think he can forget a few birthdays and anniversaries yes? It’s almost enough to make me start watching basketball. And appreciating cheerleaders. Almost. Wow. Just…wow. After that, I’m not sure I can even remember what I’m doing…or reading….. Mr. Moe proposed at Christmas. Kind of, anyway. He really proposed a week after we met, but I figured he was either 1) kidding or 2) crazy, so either way my answer at that time wouldn’t be binding. But I did get the ring for Christmas. 😉 Speaking of Christmas, it’s coming–and report cards go out on Thursday, which means it’s…

I Survived NaNoWriMo! (Week in Review 11-29-13)

  Me, on Saturday… and then at 11:30 PM EST…   Woot! Finished with a half an hour to spare! Okay, let me clarify–my word count has been achieved, but the novel is far, far, from finished. Many scenes need to be written and/or fleshed out, and don’t even get me started on the revision–I left notes for myself all over the place (in the chapter labels, where they didn’t count toward my word count, of course) about issues I encountered after the fact (e.g.–rewrite scene–JANE NOT THERE YET!) that will need to be dealt with. But–fifty thousand words! I did…

Books on Sale: Black Friday Edition

This is me, today and tomorrow…at least the “Can’t–I’m writing” parts 😉 Though I’ve got a busy day ahead of me (Internet shopping only this year–and a limited amount at that) with crazy word count deficits to make up and the interring of my grandmother’s ashes this morning (she passed away two years ago, but donated her body to a local medical school–we recently got her ashes back and are finally doing that last step), I still wanted to let you all know about some of the ebook deals out there right now. Give them as gifts or keep a…

NaNoWriMo, Why Do You Hate Me So? (Week in Review: 11-15-13)

Oh, NaNoWriMo, you always seem like such a good idea at the time… Two years ago, I was happily plugging away at my NaNo novel when–my laptop died. Just died. On Thanksgiving, With a whole lot of tears, prayers, and desperate promises to whomever was listening, I managed to get it to boot up one last time so I could get my project off of it (yes, I know, always back up your work, and I do. Just not as often as I should, obviously) and then woke up at 4 AM on Black Friday to camp out at our…

Books on Sale! Books About…Writing Books (Kindle Daily Deal for NaNoWriMo)

Yes, I should be writing…and yes, I should have checked Amazon earlier for their daily deal, because it’s a NaNoWriMo-themed sale! Seven writing-themed books are on sale at $1.99 each for today’s daily deal. They include Story Engineering by Larry Brooks (which I’ve heard great things about), Elizabeth Sims’s You’ve Got a Book in You: A Stress-Free Guide to Writing the Book of Your Dreams (which seriously, just makes me want to cry right now. Stress-free? Ha!), the Urban Dictionary and Mo’ Urban Dictionary by Aaron Peckham (which just look awesome), Natalie Goldberg’s Wild Mind: Living the Writer’s Life, which several people have recommended to me (and…