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Saturday Morning Video: PBS News Hour’s Interview with Curtis Sittenfeld, Author of ELIGIBLE

I was trying to read (aka listen to) THE CLOSER YOU COME by Gena Showalter and having a tough time connecting with the characters, so yesterday I put it aside at least for awhile because I’ve been dying to listen to…

ELIGIBLE by Curtis Sittenfeld! My first book by her, but not my first P&P retelling (obviously)–I’m still in the early bits, but I like it so far. (Though I just want to smack Liz every time the married boyfriend comes up. Yep. A married. Boyfriend. And he’s such a…well, I’ll let you make your own decision on that. Let’s just say I’ve been with a guy like him and NEVER AGAIN. He wasn’t married, but he might as well have been. What was I thinking?)

I had no idea that The Austen Project was a thing, but I’m excited! Though of course bummed they didn’t ask me to participate 😉  (Seriously, how did I not know? I’m going to blame school here…)

Anyone read it? Planning to read it? Your thoughts? Have you/are you planning to read any of the others? This is the fourth one out already. The top Goodreads reviews on the other 3 are kind of disheartening; I’m thinking the library is the way to go. Fingers crossed that there’s audio versions on Overdrive.

Or…did you read and love the Showalter book and think I should go back to it? I have to admit, a good part of my problem is the narrator; I’m just not a fan…so much drama. It’s exhausting.

Published inBOOKS!inspired by classic literaturevideo awesomeness