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New Release! IMPOSTOR’S LURE by Carla Neggers (Sharpe & Donovan #8)

From New York Times bestselling author Carla Neggers comes the next standalone novel in her Sharpe & Donovan Series, IMPOSTOR’S LURE! Master of suspense Carla Neggers delivers an exhilarating page-turner where the disappearance of a federal prosecutor launches the latest high-stakes case for FBI agents Emma Sharpe and Colin Donovan. Order your copy today!

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Newlyweds Emma and Colin are suspicious when prosecutor Tamara McDermott is a no-show at a Boston dinner party. Matt Yankowski, head of HIT, Emma and Colin’s small, elite Boston-based team, is a friend of Tamara’s, and he needs them to find her.

In London, a woman who was supposed to meet Emma’s art-detective grandfather to talk about forgeries is discovered near death. Her husband, who stayed behind in Boston, has vanished. The couple’s connection to Tamara adds to the puzzle.

As the search for Tamara intensifies, a seemingly unrelated murder leads Emma, Colin and HIT deep into a maze of misdirection created by a clever, lethal criminal who stays one step ahead of them.

As Emma draws on her expertise in art crimes and Colin on his experience as a deep-cover agent, the investigation takes a devastating turn that tests the strengths of their families and friendships as well as their FBI colleagues as never before.

Impostor’s Lure is full of clever twists that will keep readers guessing right to the stunning conclusion!

Impostor's Lure cover


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Tamara stepped out of her rental car and breathed in the Maine air, cooler, fresher here by the sea. It was hot here, too, though. She nearly froze on the drive up from Boston when she’d turned on the air-conditioning and it cooled her sweat. Dumb to have walked up and down the Boston water­front. She liked to walk and she had a lot on her mind, but she knew better. Boston could get just as hot and humid in August as Washington did.

She hadn’t thought this little adventure through. It wasn’t like her, but [her daughter] Adalyn…

What had she got herself into?

“Maybe nothing,” Tamara said aloud as she looked out at the sea, waves washing over sand and rocks. A good place to kayak, Graham Blackwood had told her. Then he’d promptly admitted he didn’t know anything about kayaking. He wanted to try while he was in Maine.

Kayak, get past a friend’s murder. Why the hell not?

Tamara spotted a seagull that on another day, under differ­ent circumstances, would have enthralled or at least amused her. Patrick, her ex-husband, considered them rats with wings. Killjoy. Good riddance to him.

Twenty-two years of marriage up in smoke.

“Blah. Don’t think about it.”

Except she’d been thinking about it most of the ninety-minute drive up to Maine. They’d told Adalyn it’d been an amiable split. Different paths now that they were in their late forties.

No mention of the cute young girlfriend.

Tamara didn’t like herself for giggling when she’d heard they broke up.

“More like cackling with joy.”

She didn’t want Patrick to be miserable, but she didn’t want him to find true love or whatever he was looking for with a shallow paralegal who looked good on his arm. Tamara didn’t want to think about what the gold digger was like in bed. Maybe she wasn’t being very evolved, but there it was. Good, maybe, for a prosecutor who’d never had much bad happen to her in her life to experience such raw emotion.

She shook off her thoughts. She needed to focus on why she was here.

Where was Graham Blackwood?

She’d pulled into a turnaround on a narrow road in front of his rental house—assuming she hadn’t made a wrong turn. It was on an isolated section of the coast near the Sisters of the Joyful Heart convent. Graham’s choice. He’d given her direc­tions and asked her to keep their meeting private. Verity wanted to talk to you before her flight, but she’s already cutting it close. I’m staying in Maine for a few days. I’ll explain everything tomorrow. It concerns Adalyn. Verity and I are both fond of her.

Tamara didn’t see another soul, hear any cars—just the breeze and the wash of the sea. That’s what she wanted on her vacation. She’d return to Boston for dinner and be on her way for three weeks of bliss as soon as possible. She might even get a head start and leave tonight. She’d packed after her unnerving brunch with Adalyn.

Who are these Blackwoods, Adalyn?


Carla Neggers author photo
Photo Credit: Julie Ireland

About Carla Neggers:

Carla Neggers is the New York Times bestselling author of the Sharpe & Donovan series featuring Boston-based FBI agents Emma Sharpe and Colin Donovan, and the popular Swift River Valley series set in the small, fictional New England town of Knights Bridge. With many bestsellers to her credit, Carla loves to write now as much as she did when she climbed a tree at age eleven with pad and pen. A native New Englander, Carla and her husband divide their time between their hilltop home in Vermont, a sofa bed at their kids’ places in Boston and various inns, hotels and hideaways on their travels, frequently to Ireland. Learn more and sign up for Carla’s newsletter at Follow Carla at and


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Carla Neggers’ IMPOSTOR’S LURE – Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule:

August 20th

It’s All About the Romance – Excerpt

Nerdy Dirty and Flirty – Excerpt

Ripe For Reader – Excerpt

August 21st

Bobo’s Book Bank – Excerpt

Literary misfit – Excerpt

OMGReads – Excerpt

Sip Read Love – Excerpt

August 22nd

Bookstanista – Excerpt

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

What Is That Book About – Excerpt

August 23rd

A Book Nerd, a Bookseller and a Bibliophile – Review & Excerpt

Reading Reality – Review

Words We Love By –Review & Excerpt

August 24th

Cinta Garcia de la Rosa – Excerpt

Wickedcoolflight – Review & Excerpt

August 25th

Bookishly Yours – Review & Excerpt

Catty Jane Book Lovers – Review & Excerpt

Reading Between the Wines Book Club – Excerpt

August 26th

Book Addict – Review & Excerpt

Novel Addiction – Excerpt

Tfaulcbookreviews – Review & Excerpt

August 27th

A Lovely Book Affair – Review

Cali Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt

TBR Book Blog – Excerpt

August 28th

Adventures in Writing – Excerpt

Lisa Book Blog – Excerpt

August 29th

BTH Reviews – Review & Excerpt

Evermore Books – Excerpt

Lynn’s Romance Enthusiasm – Excerpt

August 30th

All about reading – Review & Excerpt

Fire and Ice Book Reviews – Excerpt

GhostPepperBabes/ Pimpers’ Dungeon – Excerpt

August 31st

Becky on Books – Excerpt

Cathy Reads Books – Review

Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews – Excerpt

September 1st

Books are love – Review & Excerpt

Brittany’s Book Blog – Excerpt

NightWolf Book Blog – Excerpt

September 2nd

Blushing babes are up all night – Review & Excerpt

Em Jay Reads – Review & Excerpt

Jax’s Book Magic – Excerpt


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