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Grand Finale Blitz and Giveaway! POLITICAL PARTIES by Rachel Magee

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Political Parties
By Rachel Magee

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

Hello and welcome! I’m so excited you decided to stop by the blog tour for Political Parties. This book is so much fun, and I can’t wait to bring it to you. There are swanky parties, midnight flights on private planes, hot air balloon festivals and a feisty heroine you are going to love. Sound exciting? That’s only the beginning…

underneath the covers – Guest Post

Party Planning 101: Five Tips from the Pros

Who doesn’t love a great party, right? Just the word conjures up thoughts of friends, laughter, good food and possibly distant memories of pin the tail on the donkey. My new book, Political Parties, is all about planning an epic party. The heroine, event planner Reece Ryan, has to work with hotshot lawyer Griffith Brighton to pull off a career changing event that is out of both of their leagues. It’s a fun story full of laughter, love and plenty of party-planning drama…

Remembrancy – Review

“While parts of the book were a little predictable, especially near the end, those same things are what made this read completely worth the investment. Political Parties is thoroughly enjoyable if you’re looking for a contemporary romance with some heart and depth.”

Colorimetry – Guest Post

Party Planning 101: Quiz – What kind of partier are you?

Everyone loves a good party, but what kind of shindig is your favorite? Take this fun quiz to find out what kind of partier you are!…

Jorie Loves A Story – Excerpt

The important thing was to stay calm. Although at this exact moment, Reece Ryan felt anything but calm. So what if this was a minor—okay, major problem? Every problem had a solution. Even major ones.

“We can fix it,” Reece said, her eyes glued to the bridal bouquet in her hand.

“Fix it?” Bella glared wide-eyed at the offending flowers as if Reece were holding roadkill.

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“…This opposites-attract story really exuded a strong chemistry, which stemmed from dislike, but quickly escalated into something tangible and sweet.

…This sweet, clean romance delivers an impactful story that made me self-reflect on what is really important in life and what I do to accomplish my goals.”

My Life Loves and Passion – Guest Post

Party Planning 101: Easy Fall Entertaining

I love fall. I love the crispness in the air, the beauty of the changing leaves and the thrill of football season. It’s a season to gather together which means it’s time to plan a party.

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

Brushing off her skirt, she looked up. “I’m so sorr…” When she looked at his face, she stopped. “You?”

She propped her fists on her hips and flipped her head so the brown curls swung over her shoulder. “Twice in one night? Friend, you need to watch where you’re going.”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt

“This is a great story. I love a good romance and this story has one, with a lot of other things happening.”

“I’m sorry. Do we know each other?” Griffith said.

She let out an exasperated sigh, which was probably meant to display her irritation but only highlighted her cute sweetheart mouth. “You tripped me before the wedding.”

Her tone hinted at the absurdity that he could forget her. At least they could agree on that. She had a certain unforgettable quality, and for a moment, he stood mesmerized by her.

Heidi Reads… – Guest Post

Party Planning 101: DIY Photo Booth

My newest book, Political Parties, is about planning a couple big, flashy events. The first party, the one the cover is based on, is over the top in almost every aspect. Crystal chandeliers hanging from oak trees, a five course menu prepared by an award winning chef, live music. Of course, it has an over-the-top price tag to go along with it…

Getting Your Read On – Review

“Rachel Magee’s writing style was entertaining and bubbly- her attention to building lovable characters made the story flow perfectly. A clean, funny romance while snuggled in a fuzzy blanket is exactly what this girl needed after a long day at work, and let’s face it, sometimes a movie just doesn’t do it the same way an adorable novel like this does. I fell in love with all the exciting twists and turns in this delightful book; this is a love story I’ll be sure to recommend.”

Rainy Day Reviews – Review & Excerpt

“This was such a fun and in-depth read, different from my typical reading choice. The book as a whole was enjoyable but there were moments that I specifically enjoyed…”

“Riiiight.” Bella’s eyes were wide. “And we think we can do this because…”

Reece brightened her smile. “Because we’re us. And this is what we do.”

Except this wasn’t what they did. When Lester offered to let her handle the next couple of corporate events, she assumed they would be more along the lines of a company Christmas party or fundraising gala. She was not expecting something this big. Or this quick. Reece should have been nervous, but there wasn’t time for that.

Oh Hey Books – Guest Post

Party Planning 101: Taking your Party to the Outdoor Festival

One of my favorite parts of my new book Political Parties is when Griffith and Reece head to the hot air balloon festival in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Surrounded by the vivid colors of the hot air balloons and the crisp fall air, things between them really start to heat up…

Reading On The Edge – Excerpt

“Ms. Ryan, I presume,” the strong voice called from behind her.

Reece scrambled to her feet to greet the owner of the voice. As she turned, her eyes met his and she stopped short.

The man standing behind her was not what she was expecting. He wasn’t silver-haired with a stout frame. This guy was young, maybe thirty, with the kind of naturally perfect hair and build that could pass for a model. All he was missing was a smile.

Bookworm Lisa – Review

“I enjoyed the moments in this book. It takes place in a short period of time, but the characters are able to get to know each other. The romance didn’t feel rushed to me. Not everything works out perfectly, but I loved how the characters were able to resolve their trials.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Political Parties cover


Political Parties
Rachel Magee
Contemporary Sweet Romance
Paperback & ebook, 246 pages
September 25th 2018 by Clean Reads

Planning one amazing party is more complicated than it sounds.

Reece Ryan is known as the best wedding planner in town, but it’s time to take her company to the next level. Getting the contract from a prestigious law firm to plan their upcoming political related events is just the break she needs to prove that she can put together more than just the perfect nuptials. Sure, these events which will receive national coverage might be slightly out of her league, but it’s nothing she can’t handle. Managing the hotshot lawyer the firm has tasked as their liaison for the project is a whole other story.

Griffith Brighton always thought the start of his political career would come from hard work and his brilliant legal mind, not throwing some fancy party. But when the firm’s managing partner asks him to work with the event coordinator to organize a fundraiser dinner for the presidential candidate, he knows it’s the opportunity he’s been waiting for to get in front of some major political players. After years of goal setting and career planning, his future finally seems to be coming together …until two weeks of working with Reece make him reconsider everything he thought to be true about life and falling in love.

GoodreadsAmazon KindleAmazon PrintBarnes & Noble

About the Author:

Rachel Magee author photo

Rachel wrote her first novel when she was twelve and entered it into a contest for young author/illustrators. Unfortunately, the judges weren’t impressed with her stick figures. So she dropped the dream of becoming a world famous illustrator and stuck to spinning stories. When she’s not busy working on her latest book, she loves to travel with her family and friends. By far, her favorite destination is the beach, which tends to work its way into most of her stories. Between vacations, you can find her at home in The Woodlands, TX with her wonderful husband, their two adventurous kids and a couple of spirited pets, all of whom share Rachel’s love of the ocean. Well, except the cat and dog. They’re both afraid of water. Find out more about what Rachel has been up to at


Tour Giveaway!

Giveaway photo

Prize Party Pack (US residents only):
Everything you need to throw your own party and gather your people:
· Pillow with “gather”
· Decorative Fall Scented Candle
· Brownie Truffle Baking Mix
· English Butter Fudge

$25 Amazon e-gift card (US and International residents)

Giveaway ends October 3rd

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab Our Button!

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