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Book Tour Grand Finale and Giveaway! SILVER MOON by Jenny Knipfer

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Author Interview

What inspired you to write SILVER MOON?

Silver Moon is the third book in a four-part series and follows the story of the children of some of the characters in Blue Moon, about twenty years after Blue Moon leaves off. When I had finished Blue Moon, I knew I was going to write about Luis and Oshki, but I didn’t know how to start until one day I went fishing with my husband to our favorite backwater slough on a cool autumn day and inspiration struck. As I watched the cool water swirl in front of me, I wondered what it would be like to be submerged in that tempestuous liquid, fighting for my life. I set down my fishing pole and wrote the opening prologue to Silver Moon.

(With its own giveaway.)

Splashes of Joy – Review

“I enjoyed the way this author weaves together everything in this story, the characters, history, plot, and gives an ending that we were waiting for. I also enjoyed how faith had a vital part in this story. Patients and forgiveness is sure a big part of this story. . . . This is a very well written book. Jenny Knipfer is a new author for me, one I will definitely keep contact with. And I can’t wait for the fourth book in this series, Harvest Moon! If you enjoy historical stories, war stories or both, you are covered here. Ms. Knipfer does her research well and it shows on every page of this book.”

Rincón de Joss – Excerpt

Will they find me and the intelligence stowed away in my shoe before I die? Will I die before I can make a break for freedom? Death resembles a sort of freedom, I suppose, one I find almost welcoming. My mind tells me it would be easy to surrender to the pull of the mud and the slimy, icy water, but my body won’t let me. It struggles to survive. My lungs suck in quick gasps of air through a copper tube as I stay covered in my watery grave, but I need more. Soon, I will need to breathe, really breathe, for I am starving for oxygen. Unless I die of hypothermia first. Perhaps the mud acts as an insulating layer.

Silver Moon is an excellent wartime book. There is a lot of characters in the book. My favorite characters are Rose and Mauve. Rose is a nurse in the war. Nurses can be in danger at times, like the soldiers. It takes a special person to be a nurse, especially during the war.”

Bookriot – Review

Silver Moon by is just mindblowing. A historical novel revolved around warfare is very emotional and heartbreaking. . . a compelling story and an author I would read again in future.”

Uplifting Reads – Excerpt

Rose Greenwood turned and looked at the café the outspoken, blonde woman had entered. She steadied herself and took courage from the other ladies in arms. At heart, Rose was no outspoken leader like Mrs. Taylor, but she had determination. She did her duty, calling men to fight. Rose thought of the man she loved. She wanted to make sure he had plenty of help so he would come home to her.

She had heard about the white feather campaign one day from a friend and found an article in the paper about it. She had gained more information and got up the courage to ask matron for several weeks off from the hospital to take part in the campaign and travel around the ports to encourage Canadian men to rally to the cause. Matron had been grim and stern, but she’d conceded . . .

Books and Zebras – Spotlight

I lie back and think of the first life I took and the last. Well, the ones I know about. The ones who looked me in the eye before I did my job. Deep down, I wonder what it was all really for. The killing.

Revenge? Greed? World domination?

I wish I had asked myself these questions a couple of years ago when I signed up for a life of lies. Well, I never volunteered, exactly. I was recruited.

I write at night. It is when my thoughts churn themselves around so much, if they don’t have a way to escape, I fear I will explode. The silver moon hangs over my head. It feels close enough to touch.

Lenny sleeps peacefully in his foxhole. We have a scrubby fire going to try to keep away frostbite. Samuel lost a toe. He made it back from the medical unit yesterday. Thank God an infection or gangrene hadn’t set it. Burns and Tommy huddle back to back for warmth.

Older & Smarter? – Review

Silver Moon reminds us of the tragedy of war but Knipfer also shows the beauty that can occur when hope, faith, and forgiveness are present. This is the third book in the By the Light of the Moon series but my enjoyment wasn’t affected because I haven’t read the first two. If you are looking for historical Christian fiction that leaves you wanting to learn more, you will want to read Silver Moon.”

Hallie Reads – Excerpt

“Light. Shapes. I can see a nurse walking around, but I can’t tell who. Nothing is clear,” I tell Dr. Hansen.

“What about close up? Look at me.”

I feel his hands on either side of my head, turning me towards him. My eyes take a few seconds to focus.

“Better. I can see your face, but it is . . . smudged.”


I can hear the disappointment in Dr. Hansen’s voice.

Remembrancy – Excerpt

Oshki took up his pencil and wrote before the sun no longer lit his trench sufficiently. He had eaten well tonight, for once. The men had picked off a couple of stray squirrels who weren’t smart enough to take cover. Along with the meat and some half-rotten potatoes, they had made a kind of stew. One fella had had some hard-tack biscuits left, which he’d passed around.

His heart had just about given out with the news of Mauve’s last letter. Before he nestled in his foxhole for the night, Oshki set his thoughts down on a wrinkled scrap of stationery.

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

“I am happy you are back with us, Lt. Von Wolff,” Hahn the man they called Rooster commented to Luis as he stood in the dugout region of German HQ, well back from the front lines.

“Ja. I am happy to be back.” Luis tried to be believable. “I took my chance when I saw it. Those British . . .” Luis seasoned his speech with a few German curses to make it sound real to Rooster.

“Ja. It is amazing how you escaped.” Rooster eyed Luis shrewdly.

Silver Moon is a very informative, as well as entertaining tale of several people in a Canadian community’s experiences and interactions during WWI. It is a bittersweet tale of loyalty, service, love, fear, hope, forgiveness, acceptance and many more topics. The characters are very diverse and well-portrayed. They are individuals the reader can connect with. The scenes are very easy to visualize.”

“I have thoroughly enjoyed this series by Jenny Knipfer this being the best book yet in the series.

I feel that she really has out done herself on this novel. I love that her research has brought us a wonderful read.

This book will make you hold your breath waiting to see what will happen to our beloved characters as Knipfer puts them through their paces. You’ll want to cry, support, and rejoice in their triumphs as they experience WW1 and it’s many dangers. . . . I highly recommend this book for historical fiction lovers or anyone who just wants to read.”

“This book is the third novel in the series. . . if you are a fan of cozy romances with a hint of espionage than this might be the perfect book for you.”

Oshki tucked his last letter from home in his rucksack, threw it on his shoulder, grabbed his rifle, and followed the soldier in front of him towards another web of trenches. Part of his company, or what was left of it, were on their way north to beef up the line where an Allied attack was being planned. He and Lenny were the only ones left walking from their small squadron. The rest had been sent home, shipped to a field hospital to recover, or they had died. His mother was right when she told him he had to greet death often.

Like an unwanted guest come calling, he thought.

Bizwings Blog – Review

“This was my first read by this author. I was very impressed with her writing style and the descriptive way she related the war and times in Webaashi Bay. . . . Silver Moon, was an emotional read and one that ran the gamut of forgiveness, heartbreak, redemption, loss, and second chances. Everything wrapped up nicely and I enjoyed the story very much. Even as this was Book 3 in the series, it still worked well as a standalone.”

This is my last day at the rest camp. The weather is cold but not bitterly so. I like to spend as much time out of doors as I can. The open space frees me. There is so little in the trenches. I must enjoy it while I can.

I’ve made a friend while I’m here, not the human kind. He is a bird. A meadow pipit. He has olive-brown coloring with darker, barred wings edged in white and a creamy white breast. I saw him on top of a thistle digging for seeds. I roam the outskirts of the camp every day. One spot in the northern corner hosts a few dried, wild plants spreading from the grassy meadow beyond.

Reading Excursions – Review

“Using a fictional story set during the real war; Knipfer weaves a tale of war time atrocities, tragedy, realistic warfare and its consequences, along with the uncertainty at home. She also shows the lengths of support that the women go to so that their men come home. And, she also shows the post-war impact – not everyone returns whole whether physically or mentally. . . a novel so engaging that even the discussion questions are must read with their thought-provoking nature.”

Teatime and Books – Excerpt

“Ja. If the British concentrate on breaking through at this point,” Rooster whispered, pointing to an area on the tunnel map he’d pilfered from the general’s HQ, “that would be best. It’s the least watched and the closest to their own.”

Hahn had proven himself invaluable. Luis prayed they wouldn’t get caught. Rooster would be labeled a traitor, while he would just be caught as a spy.

Being a traitor is ten times worse, Luis determined.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post…

Silver Moon
(By the Light of the Moon #3)
By Jenny Knipfer
Christian Historical Fiction
Paperback & ebook, 411 Pages
June 30, 2020

A tale of courage and hope in the darkest of times…

Silver Moon, the third book in the series: By the Light of the Moon, paints a stunning and poignant picture of life on the home front in Webaashi Bay, Ontario, and of three men who are a part of the Canadian Expeditionary Force during WWI.

Shamed into joining the war, the tide turns for Luis Wilson when he is steered into the depths of espionage. Injured and presumed missing, will he lose his heart to the very woman who presented him with a white feather?

Oshki and Jimmy offer a grim perspective on life in the trenches. They despair of ever returning home to the women who hold their hearts.

Meanwhile, Lily fights for the cause in her own way and rallies the female troops at home as prejudices run high and the local cafe owner is accused of being a spy.

Will the women of Webaashi Bay receive their men back unscathed? Can the power of love win out over insurmountable odds? All this drama and more plays out under the light of a silver moon.
Fans of WWI historical fiction, Christian historical fiction, and literary fiction will find Silver Moon a moving, powerful read!

Praise for the Book

Taking an original angle on a tumultuous time in history, Silver Moon by Jenny Knipfer is a sparkling slice of historical fiction. Ambitiously detailing a diverse collection of characters, this World War I story bounces across space and time, delicately filled with vivid descriptions, nuanced moral dilemmas, and authentic relationships…” —Self-publishing Review

Silver Moon is a highly recommended read for fans of historical wartime fiction, powerful emotive drama, and excellent atmospheric writing.” —Readers’ Favorite

“I am stunned by the amount of detail the author gave in this single story. On one hand, we have powerful characters… and on the other, we have a plot that demands all our attention. Jenny Knipfer pulls no punches and holds nothing back.” —Readers’ Favorite

(Affiliate links included.)

Other Books in the Series

(Linked to Amazon affiliate links.)

About the Author

Jenny lives in Wisconsin with her husband, Ken and their pet Yorkie, Ruby. She is also a mom and loves being a grandma. She enjoys many creative pursuits but finds writing the most fulfilling.

Jenny’s education background stems from psychology, music, and cultural missions. She spent many years as a librarian in a local public library but recently switched to using her skills as a floral designer in a retail flower shop. She is now retired from work due to disability.

She authored and performed a self-published musical CD entitled, Scrapbook of a Closet Poet.

Jenny’s books, Ruby Moon, Blue Moon, and Silver Moon earned five-star reviews from Reader’s Favorite, a book review and award contest company. Their praise: “Ruby Moon is entertaining, fast-paced, and features characters that are real. Blue Moon continues a well-written and highly engaging saga of family ties, betrayals, and heartaches… Silver Moon is a highly recommended read for fans of historical wartime fiction, powerful emotive drama, and excellent atmospheric writing.”

She holds membership in the: Midwest Independent Booksellers Association, Historical Novel Society, Wisconsin Writers Association, Christian Indie Publishing Association, and Independent Book Publishers Association.

Jenny’s favorite place to relax is by the western shore of Lake Superior, where her novel series, By The Light of the Moon, is set. She has self-published the first three books, Ruby Moon, Blue Moon, and Silver Moon, in her four-part series. One more novel to complete the series is planned for 2020. She is currently writing a new historical fiction series called, Sheltering Trees.

Photo Credit: Craig Jentink

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive ebooks of all three books in the By the Light of the Moon series by Jenny Knipfer (Ruby Moon, Blue Moon and Silver Moon) and a $25 Amazon eGift Card

Open internationally to those who can use one of Amazon’s branches
Ends September 9, 2020

Grab Our Button!

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One Comment

  1. peggy clayton peggy clayton

    You are a new to me author and the book sounds so good. Would love to read a print copy as battling RSD and this has taken things from me starting with my right hand

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