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New Release and Giveaway! THE SPRING RENEWS by Marie McGrath (Honey Cove #3)

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The Spring Renews
by Marie McGrath
(Honey Cove #3)
Publication date: May 18th 2021
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult

Never fall in love. It only breaks your heart.

Sophie Graham didn’t believe in love … not anymore. Ever since her father died, Sophie watched the pain her mother went through. Love was messy and not worth taking the risk.

When her mother starts dating again and things get serious, Sophie’s beliefs get called into question. Not to mention, she has to work at the movie theater with a boy she had almost kissed from a stupid dare. Pushed together by the manager, she has to spend more time with Drew than she had wanted to ever again.

Will she open her heart to love and the possibilities? Or will she bar her heart from everyone?


The Spring Renews cover

Will be found here come release day:


I groaned. I didn’t want to get stuck with this man at the festival. I already had plans to go with Riley, Randy, and Shelby. I didn’t want a parental escort.

“Sounds great.” Rowan eyed me, keeping his posture open and his eyes as if they were smiling.

Our guidance counselor had given us a lesson about body language for our school interviews next year, and, if I remembered correctly, open posture was supposed to be welcoming. Well, his welcoming stance could shove it. I didn’t want him to welcome me into whatever this was.

“How long have you two been dating?” I asked.

Mama’s jaw slackened. “Sophie!”

Rowan waved her off. “It’s okay, Faye. I don’t mind.” He faced me. “Today is six months.”

“Six months? Six months!”

“Sophie, calm down.”

My chair wobbled with the force from my body as I scooted backward. “You’ve been dating for half a year, and you just now say something. This is ridiculous.” I threw my napkin on the table and ran to my room. I grabbed my house key and phone and bolted out the front door.

I faintly heard my name, but I refused to turn around and look. The sky was blue, with large puffy clouds—the complete opposite ambience to my mood. I wanted thunderheads and lightning streaking the sky. I wanted earthquakes and tornadoes ripping apart homes. Because then, just maybe, the rage that boiled beneath my skin wouldn’t surface.

At the end of the neighborhood was a medium-sized playground. I strolled to the swings and plopped onto the middle one. I pushed hard off the ground and tucked my legs underneath. I closed my eyes and let the breeze collide with my face with each swing. The coolness and the movement lessened my rage—but only slightly.

I pulled up my messages and clicked on Riley’s name. My mama is DATING someone. In fact, has been for six months!

The swing slowed. I tapped my feet on the tire chips as I waited for a response. Come on, Riley. Answer me!

The chirp startled me before I swiped to unlock my phone.

What? Are you serious?

YES! She told me this morning. Oh, and the best part is Caleb already knew. No idea for how long, but he knew. What was she thinking, Riley? I’ve never been so angry in my whole life.

I’m sorry. How did you find out?

The guy sat at our kitchen table this morning. He was already there when I walked around the corner. Can you believe that

? Wow. Not the best introduction.

He might be a nice guy, but we don’t need anyone else in our family. We’re doing just fine.

What are you going to do?

I don’t know

I started swinging again—back and forth, back and forth. I tried to release my anger. I tried to release it all, but my arms and legs tingled with the intensity of my clenching.

I have an idea, but I’ll need your help to make it work.

Whatever you need. I’m always here.

Can you come by

? Sure. Be there in thirty.

You’re the best!

I shoved my phone in my back pocket and strolled to the house. I would have just enough time to get changed, hopefully avoid Mama, and bolt from the house.
Marie McGrath author graphic (closeup of unfurling red rose)

About the author:

Marie McGrath lives in a small rural town in Maryland. She hopes to inspire others with her stories. Her favorite genres to read are YA Romance and Contemporary Fiction. She loves the color turquoise, tigers, and listening to music.

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