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New Release and Giveaway! IT’S A WONDERFUL LIE by Wren Michaels (Heaven on Earth #1)

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It’s a Wonderful Lie
by Wren Michaels
(Heaven on Earth #1)
Publication date: December 9th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Holiday, Romance

He was sent to save her life, but ended up losing his heart, memories, and clothes.

Eden Credere should be in Barbados with her new husband. Instead, it was like she married Murphy and his law was ruining her life. She’d lost her dad, her job, her best friend, and her fiancé. After drowning her sorrows with rum and eggnog on Christmas Eve, she takes a tumble in a tree lot with a Douglas Fir, sending Eden over the edge.

Theliel has watched over Eden her entire life, from her first steps to her latest, where she dove in a tree lot. He’s always been there to save her, and this time should have been no different—until it was. As her guardian angel, he’s not supposed to be seen, but one corporeal slip-up later, and he’s got a lot of explaining to do.

As Theliel works to convince Eden why the world is a much better place with her in it, he finds himself the one falling, and it’s Eden who catches his heart. In a twist of fate, Theliel must not earn his wings, but his humanity by convincing Eden they’re meant to be together.

The only problem is neither of them remember who he is when he wakes up on Christmas morning in a snowbank with no memories and no clothes. With the magic of Christmas in the air, love in their hearts, a vision of yoga pants, and maybe a little help from their “friends”, all they have to do is believe.


It's a Wonderful Lie cover



My angelic form couldn’t be seen by human eyes, only by the soul. Watching in the mirror, I ran a hand through my hair. We could be whatever form we wanted in the blink of an eye. Something about this one held my gaze captive. For any given situation, we could conjure things necessary. We could be anywhere we wanted and back in an instant, well, a human instant, as time worked differently in the angelic realm versus the human one. We had such freedom to come and go, to help and aid, to sing, dance, be grateful for the wondrous things we’d been given. My only desire was to help others. My gaze caught sight of Eden in the mirror, and I looked back at her. We did such good in the world, and my soul overflowed with happiness—pure euphoria.

I loved being an angel. I couldn’t have imagined being anything else. Until now…

For a second, I reached for her, caressing the aura around her cheek, careful not to touch her for fear of waking her. With a sigh, I forced myself up from my knees.

“Stay…don’t go, my angel,” she whispered and swiped at one of my hands, locking onto it as she yanked me onto the bed. “Stay.”

My body flailed before I landed on the soft mattress next to her. A lump wedged in my throat. “I…I shouldn’t. I can’t.”

“My Theo…hero…flannel…stay.” She curled against my chest, and before I realized it, I had wrapped my arms around her.

The words “my Theo” replayed on a loop in my head. I was indeed her Theo, her Theliel, and always would be. She just wouldn’t know it. My heart sank, filled with a heaviness I’d never known at the thought of having to leave her now.

I brushed away a lock of hair falling across her eyes. The sensation of her soft skin against my fingers sent another jolt to my heart.

A flutter.

A skip.

A heartbeat.

I had a heart! One that beat with a thunderous rhythm inside this corporeal chest. The realization hit me as I touched my lips to her head, giving her a tender kiss, as I’d seen countless people do over time, a gesture of love and care. The scent of her shampoo and her essence filled my nose, sending another shock wave of tingles through me.

I liked it.

I liked it a lot and wanted more. A craving welled up inside me, wanting to touch more of her, kiss more of her. It never made sense to me why people kissed, why they would hold the instrument they ate with to another being as an act of love. I couldn’t fathom the lure of it. But the feeling of her warm skin against my mouth was indescribable. It excited my mind and left a pleasurable feeling in my soul.

I hovered over her face, my own mouth a breath away from hers. Eden opened her eyes and gazed into mine, angling her head until her lips brushed against me. A tingle flickered in my heart as I lay there, frozen, unwilling to move, shocked by the softness of her lips.

One kiss.

Just one real kiss and I promised myself I would leave. Finally allowing my body to move, I leaned in and pressed my lips harder against hers. I planned on pulling back. My mind screamed at me to. But she tilted her head and her tongue lay against the seal of my closed mouth. I gasped at the feeling, warm and wet against my lips, and she slid it inside my mouth. It wandered, looking for its companion to meld with. She swept her tongue against my own, and that fire reignited, burning hotter than I thought possible. Heat surged through my veins, and that spark fed my heart as it hammered in my chest. Our tongues danced, entwining as we slanted our lips and melted together in the fire of our souls.

It was everything. Everything I’d dreamed of, and more that I hadn’t. She broke me in two with her kiss, shattering every wall, seeping inside me until we were one. A soft moan escaped her, burying itself between our tongues as we kissed, and it surged that euphoric feeling through me to my core. My fingers sifted through her hair of their own free will, guiding her head movements, angling her so I could take it deeper. I did things I didn’t know I knew how to do, like my body instinctively took over.

I filled that kiss with everything I was, and everything I wish I could have been. I longed for it to satiate the ache in both our souls. For I knew leaving her would be the hardest thing I’d ever have to do in my thousands of years of existence.

It was over too soon. Our lips parted, both of us needing air. That wondrous breath I once longed to know and feel, suddenly turned into my enemy, breaking our union apart. Her eyes closed, and a smile curved over her kiss-swollen lips. I could do nothing but stare at her, longing for more.

One kiss would never be enough.
Wren Michaels author photo

About the author:

Wren hails from the frozen tundra of Wisconsin where beer and cheese are their own food groups. But a cowboy swept her off her feet and carried her to Texas, where she promptly lost all tolerance for cold and snow. Fueled by coffee, dreams, and men in kilts, Wren promises to bring you laughter, heart-fluttering romance, and action that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

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