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New Release and Giveaway! THE THIEF’S RELIC by Angela Knotts Morse (Son of Avaria #1)

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The Thief’s Relic (Son of Avaria #1)
By Angela Knotts Morse
Young Adult, Fantasy
Hardcover, Paperback & ebook, 394 Pages

December 4, 2021 by An Encouraging Thought Publishers

Eamonn never wanted to be a thief. 

So when a risky mission goes awry and he receives the chance of a lifetime, he leaves behind everything, even his newfound family in the Thieves’ Guild, to pursue an apprenticeship as an honest merchant. 

Traveling the country means he sees and hears everything. Civil unrest, rebellions against the monarchies, and rumors of a usurper bent on uniting the provinces under himself with a mythical form of magic. Few suspect he’s not chasing a dead end, including village girl Leyna, a believer in the magic of ancient histories. Eamonn’s skeptical heart is also swayed once he finds himself the tyrant’s target, unknowingly possessing the key to harness the dangerous power. 

To protect it, Eamonn’s only choice is to flee. But now that it’s the mission of his former brothers in the Guild to hunt him down, keeping magic out of their hands might be harder than either Leyna or Eamonn thought possible. If they fall, though, their world does too.

The Thief's Relic cover

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In an instant, the ground where Eamonn stood turned to ice and his feet lost their grip, sliding closer toward the cliff’s edge. He knew better than to struggle—instead, he dropped to the ground to lower his center of gravity, the ice freezing the bare skin of his arms and torso.

This was no act of nature. Even before Eamonn heard the heavy, steady footsteps approaching him, he knew who was responsible and how. The spikes that held him cornered against a fall to his death could only be produced by magic.

From his prone posture on the ice, Eamonn lifted his eyes to the dark clad figure that approached him. He looked different in the misty sunlight than he had in the dungeon, the sharp contrast between his black hair and pale skin shocking. His eyes hadn’t changed, though: the piercing blue that still shone with malice.

Rothgard closed the distance between himself and Eamonn, lowering two of the ice spikes with a wave of his hand so that he might stand in their place. Hadli must have tipped him off after all. Anger rippled through Eamonn at the thought.

“You have two options,” Rothgard said, as if he was conversing with a friend over tea rather than his prisoner. “You can come with me, where you will find a less hospitable environment than the one you left, or you can plummet to your death here and now. The choice is yours alone.”

Excerpted from The Thief’s Relic by Angela Knotts Morse, Copyright © 2022 by Angela Knotts Morse. Published by An Encouraging Thought Publishers.
Angela Morse author photo

About the author:

Angela Morse has been writing since the fourth grade when a teacher wrote an encouraging note on one of her assignments. The note read, “I would not be surprised if I go to the library one day and pick up a book by Angela Knotts!” That simple note lit a fire within Angela and she developed a passion for writing stories. Though she has dabbled in a few genres, Angela’s favorite to write is Fantasy. Her audience is typically New Adult (NA) or sometimes Young Adult (YA), depending on the age and maturity of her characters and intended readers. Angela currently resides in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband, daughter, and cat.

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