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New Young Adult Paranormal: How I Dumped My Demon by Elizabeth M. Darcy

New paranormal YA–this one looks like fun!


How I Dumped My Demon
By Elizabeth M. Darcy



Abandoned by her mother at a police station, Megan Stonebridge has no idea who she is or why a demon haunts her nightmares. When the dreams become a frightening reality, she questions her sanity.

Putting her faith in a locket inscribed with ancient runes left with her by her mother, Megan must unlock the meaning of the runes before the demon drags her into the underworld. In fear for her life, Megan unknowingly casts a spell that summons a handsome warlock to help her dump her demon.



Author Bio:elizabeth m darcy

Born in London, England and now living in Australia, Elizabeth enjoys the thrill of writing YA romance and loves all things magical.  She has a passion for history and her sweet historical romance stories are drawn from the history of her heritage to bring readers the delightful imagery of life and love through time. From Norman Knights to Scottish Highlanders and English rakes, Elizabeth creates stories that will remain with the reader long after the final page.




Twitter: @EMDarcyauthor



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