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New Release Review! COLD CRUEL KISS by Toni Anderson (Cold Justice: Crossfire #4)

Cold Cruel Kiss cover

When the daughter of the US Ambassador to Argentina is kidnapped in broad daylight on Christmas Eve, the FBI sends one of its best negotiators to investigate.

Supervisory Special Agent Max Hawthorne arrives at an embassy thrown into chaos as US and local law enforcement hustle to track the young woman. Is this a simple kidnap for ransom, or part of a political agenda? Could it be something more sinister?

Lucy Aston has something to hide. Preferring to stay in the shadows, the lowly, fashion-challenged office assistant resents being assigned to help Max. But Max can’t resist a puzzle…he’s starting to suspect Lucy Aston is not what she seems.

When rumors emerge of a suspected Russian spy operating out of the embassy, Lucy’s carefully constructed life begins to crumble. As she and Max race to rescue the ambassador’s daughter, Lucy has to do whatever it takes to keep her cover from being blown—even if that means betraying the man she’s falling for.

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OMG, this might be my favorite Cold Justice/Crossfire book so far–what a ride!

I truly didn’t want to put Lucy and Max’s book down; so unfortunate that I had to work this week 😉 Ms Anderson did a fabulous job of ratcheting up the tension on this book–kidnapped girls! Espionage! Lies! Secrets! Who can really be trusted? You’re never quite sure…at times it seemed like each page brought a new twist. By the time we approached the climax they were practically hitting like body blows–no lie. It was that intense. I don’t want to give anything away, but the ending was very satisfying. (Thank goodness. I might not have survived otherwise…or maybe my ereader wouldn’t have? ;))

I loved Lucy and Max. He is just the greatest of great guys, and she is one heck of a kick-butt heroine, the image she works so hard to project aside. I adored the fact that he was the only one who truly saw her (OK, the ambassador’s kids had a clue too–but they spent way more time with her) and even when I wasn’t 100% sure of her motives, I wanted them to be good so hard so that they could end up together. Heck, I was even looking for ways for them to work out either way–I was *that* invested.

Ms Anderson has her work cut out for her following up this book–but I’m sure she’s up for the challenge. And I am ready to read it when she does! <3

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

Published in4.5 starsABook reviewsBOOKS!new releasespotlight