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New Release Review! FLIGHT by Laura Griffin (The Texas Murder Files #2)

Flight cover

When former forensic photographer Miranda Rhoads moves to the seaside town of Lost Beach, she’s decided to make her living as a wildlife photographer and put crime scenes behind her. But her plans are quickly upended when one morning, she comes across a couple sleeping in a canoe, entwined in an embrace. Looking closer, she realizes the man and woman aren’t asleep – they’ve been murdered.

Detective Joel Breda sets out to find answers – not only about the unidentified victims in the marshy death scene, but also about the aloof and beautiful photographer who seems to know more about his investigation than he does.

As they begin to unravel the motivation of a merciless serial killer, Miranda and Joel must race against the clock to make an arrest before the killer can find them first.

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I am loving this series!

Flight is deliciously creepy–from the first scene where Miranda comes across the posed corpses in the canoe to the climax, when we all figure out who the antagonist(s) are, I was on the edge of my seat (and maybe sort of yelling at Miranda to GET OUT OF THERE NOW during that latter scene) needing to find out what would happen next. But it is also deliciously sexy–I loved, loved, loved Joel and Miranda together, both as two people working together to solve the mystery before anyone else is killed and as two people becoming closer personally.

Two people who *may* have occasion to take showers together and get caught making out in a car on a public beach during the course of the book. 😉

The book is fast paced, with POVs alternating between Joel, Miranda, and Nicole, the detective in training who is also instrumental in solving the case. There is a decent balance between solving the murders and developing Joel and Miranda’s relationship; even though the book takes place in a fairly short time frame their romance doesn’t feel unrealistic or rushed–Ms Griffin is especially good at this; that’s why she’s one of my main go-tos for romantic suspense. <3

Flight is the second book in the Texas Murder Files series, but it can absolutely be read as a standalone. Bailey of book one ( Hidden ) is Miranda’s sister, but she only plays a very minor role here and you don’t need to have read her story at all to enjoy this one. (But you should WANT to read it, because it is also excellent ;))

Patiently waiting for book 3!

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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