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New Release Review! MY ROYAL SHOWMANCE by Lexi Blake (Park Avenue Promise #2)

My Royal Showmance cover

From New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake, discover The Park Avenue Promise Series…

Three young women make a pact in high school—
to always be friends and to one day make it big in Manhattan.

My Royal Showmance

Anika Fox knows exactly where she wants to be, and it’s not on the set of a reality TV dating show. She’s working her way up at the production company she works for and she’s close to achieving some of her dreams. The big boss just wants one thing from her. She’s got a potential problem with the director of The King Takes a Bride and she wants Anika to pose as a production assistant and report back.

As the king of a tiny European country, Luca St. Marten knows the world views him as one of the pampered royalty of the world. It couldn’t be further from the truth. His country is hurting and he’s right there on the front lines with his citizens. When he’s asked to do a dating show, his counselors point out that it could bring tourism back to Ralavia. It goes against his every desire, but he agrees.

When one of the contestants drops out at the last minute, Anika finds herself replacing the potential princess. She’s sure she’ll be asked to leave the first night, but Luca keeps picking her again and again. Suddenly she finds herself in the middle of a made-for-TV fantasy, and she’s unsure what’s real and what’s simply reality TV.

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Absolutely loved!

Anika and Luca’s romance was so much fun! I’m not at all a reality television person–I’ve never even seen a whole episode of any of the dating ones–but apparently I have no problem reading books set in them 😉

Though there were definitely more than a few plot twists that readers saw coming way before Ani did (this one is all her POV), that didn’t take away from enjoying the reading experience. (In fact, it probably added to the drama of it all when Anika was all confident and slightly smug that she knew what was going on when she definitely did not–and this reader, at least, was internally screaming OMG, GIRL, YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S COMING, YOU POOR THING at her a whole lot in the last third or so of the book)

I really liked Ivy’s book too–this could be read as a standalone, but why deprive yourself? ;)–and Harper’s is next–I can’t wait!

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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