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Serial Love: Roman Holiday 1: Chained (Alternate title–Ruthie Knox: Still Helping Our Mondays to Suck Less)


Title: Roman Holiday 1: Chained
Author: Ruthie Knox
Genre: Contemporary romance
Published: 2013
Pages: 40
Format read: ebook serial
Rating: A

I honestly wouldn’t have thought it was possible to love a 40-page first part of a to-be-continued serial novel this much, but oh, I so do. Thank you, Ruthie Knox, for once again allowing me to embarrass my fourteen-year-old with almost nonstop giggling in public while I read this one. (Mini Moe #2 totally had it coming. I’d just spent big bucks on her at not one, but two stores, buying way more things than we’d actually gone in there for. She was earning those extra shoes by sitting with me while I read. And giggled like a lunatic. In public. Where people could see that she was with me.)

Roman Holiday is being published as a serial novel, with two separate “seasons” of five-part stories with a brief break in between. Each “episode” has its own mini-arc and will be released one week at a time until the season is complete. Then with some time off (not for good behavior, though, because this is more like cruel and unusual punishment, making us wait), the second season will start. This season is being released on Mondays, which means–yay!–I don’t have to worry about going into Ruthie Knox withdrawal anymore now that Truly is completed up on Wattpad.

Yes, my Mondays have meaning once again. At least for another five weeks.

Life is not being kind to Ashley Bowman at the moment. Still reeling from the death of her grandmother, she realizes that the vacation rentals that she had promised to leave Ashley not only aren’t hers, but they actually belong to a big, bad developer who’s going to demolish them–soon. After numerous attempts to contact the new owner are ignored, Ashley decides to make a desperate move.

If only she’d dressed more appropriately for the weather. And brought a sandwich. And really thought this entire protest through in a logical manner. Oh, and if only the big, bad evil developer wasn’t so gosh-darned hot.

Roman Diaz isn’t going to let anything get in the way of his big chance. He’s bought up all the land he possibly could in the Florida Keys, and plans to put the resort to end all resorts on it. A scrawny blonde in a bikini who has chained herself to a palm tree right in the middle of his project’s real estate? A minor blip.

Or is it?

A clash of wills results, mother nature adds her two cents (with a slew of intrusive insects and what may or may not be an actual hurricane) and it isn’t until the final pages of this segment of the story that Ashley is finally unChained…and the real adventure is about to begin.

To be continued with Roman Holiday 2: Hitched, coming out on November 18–can’t wait!

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