“Scavenger” O’Brian

Oh, my.
He was gorgeous.
Wasn’t he gorgeous?
She thought so, but the room had taken a nice, slow spin so which she was sure accounted for the sudden dizziness filling her head and the odd tightness in her belly. Resting her hand on the doorframe, Lark blinked a couple of times so she could see him more clearly.
And oh, boy, was she glad she did.
Because she’d been right. He was gorgeous. Sara had been right, he definitely had a little Greek god in there somewhere.
Tall, close to a foot over her own five-four, he a swimmer’s build. Broad shoulders, a slender waist and long, long legs. The kind of body that would look might sweet naked but for a gleaming coat of oil.
His dark brown hair was cut super short, the top spiked in a way that looked like he’d ran his hands through it’s thickness while it was wet and left it at that. Unlike Sara’s round sweetness, her brother’s face was narrow, with slashing brows and a full mouth.
Oh, that mouth. Those lips. Mmm. Lark wet her lips while imagining doing the same to his. She was pretty sure she could spend hours nibbling on that bottom lip of his and still not be satisfied.
She’d bet if he were doing the nibbling, her satisfaction would be guaranteed. She didn’t know if it was all the talk of sex today, or if he was simply the most desirable man she’d ever seen in her life. Either or both got credit for the images flooding her mind.
The two of them, naked. Oh yeah, she’d bet he was even better naked. Long, lean and luscious, he’d know what to do with his body. Better yet, he’d know what to do with hers. She’d bet he could do things she’d only read about in those sexy romance novels.
I really liked Shane as a hero–I loved his devotion to his job and to his team. Their camaraderie was fantastic, and definitely makes me want to read more from the series. He was very sweet with Lark–except when he was being decidedly not sweet, which was fun too 😉 I admired his loyalty to his family, even when they were being over-the-top crazy about his career choice.
(Which leads me to…what the heck kind of parent decides her only living son is dead to her when he won’t quit the SEAL team he just earned his spot on when she demands it because his older brother has died in an accident? And what kind of sisters go along with the “Shane’s career doesn’t exist, and we’re barely going to acknowledge that he does either” game plan? Craziness. At least Sara was semi-normal. Ish.)
I liked Lark a lot–still grieving for her mom, she tried so hard to live up to her memory by keeping her coffee shop going, even though doing so meant that the job she loved, creating pottery, suffered as a result. She got a little wiggy at times herself, though–insisting she wasn’t suffering from survivor’s guilt when she had a textbook case, for example. Also, assuming that the guy she’d already admitted to herself she was in love with was buying a condo and wanted her to move across the country to live with him just so they could continue to have awesome sex, with no real relationship otherwise? Kinda crazy. Still, though–she pulls it together in the end and loses at least 95% of her looniness, redeeming herself. 😉
Together they were an adorable couple, even if they both tended toward cluelessness at times. And they broke Lark’s dry spell quite nicely, thankyouverymuch.
Everything was fixed up nicely and neatly in the end, if a bit abruptly–I still thought I had 7% of story left, but it ended up being an excerpt for another book. Still, this was an enjoyable read to wrap up the summer with.
Rating: 3 1/2 stars / B+
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.
New York Timesand USA TODAY Bestselling author of thirty books and counting, Tawny Weber has been writing sassy, sexy romances since her first one hit the shelves in 2007. A fan of Johnny Depp, cupcakes and color coordination, she spends a lot of her time shopping for cute shoes, scrapbooking and hanging out on Facebook.
Readers can check out Tawny’s books at her website, www.tawnyweber.com, or join her Red Hot Readers Club for goodies like free reads, complete first chapter excerpts, recipes, insider story info and much more.
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Thank you for hosting A SEAL’S TEMPTATION
Another winner from Tawny!
I enjoy reading her books. =]
My pleasure! It was a fun read 🙂