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New Release Review! THE COWBOY by M. O’Keefe (King Family #4)

The Cowboy cover
The Cowboy
by Molly O’Keefe



We have three rules:

We never see each other’s faces. We don’t know each other’s names. We don’t say a word.

But at dawn when she steps out onto her private balcony over my work site, we show each other… everything.

She’s My Morning Girl and the rules keep both of us safe.


Yeah, Cody’s got a lot of rules and I have a few of my own. But the minute Cody walked into the bar where I work – I knew I’d break every last one of them. That’s why I can’t tell him I’m his Morning Girl. I’m head over heels for that broken-down cowboy and he only wants one version of me.

I take what I can get from him: scraps of friendship and his eyes on me every morning, but soon the secrets and lies grow out of control and the only thing I know for sure is I love him.

And when he finds out the truth, I’ll lose him for good.



Phew–this is one book that is definitely NSFW–not even on your lunch break! (Fans self, remembering some of the details…)

Bea and Cody hands down have the most unusual–and hot!–meet cute I’ve read so far. Hats off to you, Ms. O’Keefe! Things somehow manage to get even hotter from there, too–and then Cody brings it all to a screeching halt, darn him. Though I did want Bea to ‘fess up to him way sooner than she did, his reaction seemed a bit OTT–still, he finally manages (with some help!) to get his head out of his you-know-what and their HEA is super-sweet.

The Cowboy worked okay as a standalone, though I do wish I’d read the series books first for a bit more context on why Bea has such a low opinion of herself, since it had definite repercussions here for the choices she made. Fingers crossed that Jack will get a book too, and give us more Cody and Bea together cuteness! (Plus his story. He totally deserves a story!)

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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