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New Release and Giveaway! THE COWGIRL’S SACRIFICE by Tina Radcliffe (Hearts of Oklahoma #4)

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The Cowgirl’s Sacrifice
(Hearts of Oklahoma #4)
By Tina Radcliffe
Inspirational Romance
Paperback & ebook, 224 Pages
July 27, 2021 by Love Inspired

This cowgirl has wandered back home…

Will she choose her past or her future?

Needing time to heal after a rodeo injury, Kate Rainbolt heads to her family ranch to accept the foreman job her brothers offered her months ago. But the position’s already been filled by her ex-boyfriend, Jess McNally, and the only open job reports to him. With Jess as her temporary boss—and turning into something more—might he finally convince Kate to put down roots?

The Cowgirl's Sacrifice cover

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“If you’d married Jess, you’d have been a daughter,” Susan said.

Kate’s eyes rounded, and she looked away for a moment. She couldn’t deny that she’d thought a time or two about how different her life would be today if she’d said yes to Jess’s proposal. But every time she’d started wondering, she’d immediately buried the idea. If only she could have had it all, but she’d chosen to try to find her past before she considered a future.

Also in the series:

Tina Radcliffe author photo

About the author:

A freelance writer for over twenty years, Tina Radcliffe is a Romance Writers of America and American Christian Fiction Writers Honor Roll member, and a four-time ACFW Carol Award finalist. Her Harlequin novels have won the ACFW Carol Award, the Holt Medallion and appeared on the Publishers Weekly Bestseller list. Besides her novel-length fiction, and her independent publishing releases, Tina has sold over three dozen short stories to Woman’s World Magazine. A US Army Veteran, a former registered nurse, and library cataloger, Tina resides in Arizona, where she writes fun, heartwarming romance and cozy mysteries. Visit her on the web at

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  1. Tina Radcliffe Radcliffe Tina Radcliffe Radcliffe

    Thanks so much for sharing The Cowgirl’s Sacrifice!!

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