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Pre-Release Review! MORE THAN A HERO by Jenni Bara (Becoming an Evans #3)

More than a Hero cover

When it comes to dating, Morgan has one major rule, NO HEROES ALLOWED! Growing up surrounded by a family full of Navy special ops siblings taught her she doesn’t need another adrenaline junky with a hero complex in her life. But when she accidentally gets into serious trouble, sexy former seal Nick Evans comes into her life, flipping everything she thought she wanted around.

A shattered leg, a struggle to get past the demons of war, and a new business fill Nick’s life these days. He’s finally getting his head on straight until a favor for a fallen friend’s little sister causes memories to haunt him. Suddenly he’s protecting a fiery redhead who’s not the freckle-faced teenager he remembers. Keeping Morgan safe and distanced from his heart and bed becomes the most impossible mission of his life.

As her stalker closes in, Morgan starts to imagine a future she never wanted, and Nick questions if he can make Morgan see he can be More than a Hero.

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Each book in this series is more amazing than the one before!

I LOVED Nick and Morgan’s story. It was the perfect blend of romance and suspense, with *just* the right amount of angst thrown in for good measure. (Could the bulk of their romance angst have been resolved with a conversation or two, one of my biggest pet peeves? Probably–but each was going on information gleaned from previous conversations, and it made actual sense for where they each were at that point of the story. Their “moment” came at exactly the right time, and OMG…insert heart eyes emoji here)

I really liked that it wasn’t always Nick being the jerk in the relationship when they hit a snag–Morgan had just about as many oops, wtf did I say that for? moments as he did. And since we’re the ones who get to see what they’re actually thinking all along, readers know that even when it looks like one of them is being an a$$, that isn’t always the case. Or at least they’re not being that way on purpose. There’s so much inner conflict here, and it’s all delicious…

I also enjoyed seeing all of the rest of the Evans family here, in various amounts (not everyone’s physically there, but the heroes and heroines of the first two books– More Than the Game and More Than Fine –and Danny get decent page time. You don’t have to have read their books to enjoy this one, but if you have you’ll appreciate their parts even more.) I love how close all the Evanses are (OMG, the text message convo that plays in the car was actual LOL–we’re talking snort-laughing, here–funny), and Morgan’s family dynamic was a lot of fun too. Nick’s crew were so much fun to read about as well–please tell me that Wyatt, Seabass, Donovan and Bex are all getting their own stories? Oh, and Evans-hanger-on Corey too. In other words, Ms Bara can just keep writing stories for all of her secondary characters, and I’ll be 100% here for it 😉

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a burning desire to go watch The Little Mermaid for some reason… 😉

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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