How Star Trek Inspired My Love of Bromances
In THE REPLACEMENT CRUSH, the heroine Vivian decides to take a Spock-like approach to love, while the hero, Dallas, is definitely on Team Kirk- a passionate man of action. Throughout the book, Vivian and Dallas bond over their love of Star Trek, among other things.
A lot of readers have asked me ,“Why Star Trek?” I trace it back to watching reruns of the original Star Trek series with my dad – one of my fondest memories. I was too young to understand what a groundbreaking show it was in terms of subject matter and the diversity of its cast, but I do remember that even as a kid, there was something special about Kirk and Spock.
Kirk and Spock were my first introduction to the glory of bromances, which is something I’ve loved ever since. The new Star Trek movies do a fantastic job with this bromance, too, making it fresh and fun, and easy on the eyeballs.
Star Trek has other bromances, too, including these favorites of mine:
Original Series and New Movies:
Dr. “Bones” McCoy and Captain Kirk
The Next Generation: Geordi and Data
Bromances are one of my favorite relationships to write about, and readers seem to love them, too. I’ll always be grateful to my dad for introducing me to the amazing Trekkie world, and bromances by extension.
Thank you for having me on the blog today!
Thank you for stopping by, Lisa!
Keep reading to find out more about Lisa and her latest book, THE REPLACEMENT CRUSH. Before you go, tell us about your favorite bromances for a chance to win a print copy!
About the author:
Lisa Brown Roberts still hasn’t recovered from the teenage trauma of nearly tweezing off both eyebrows and having to pencil them in for an entire school year. This and other angst-filled memories inspire her to write YA books about navigating life’s painful and funny dramas, and falling in love along the way.
The Replacement Crush
by Lisa Brown Roberts
True love can’t be strategized.
After book blogger Vivian Galdi’s longtime crush pretends their secret summer kissing sessions never happened, Vivian creates a list of safe crushes, determined to protect her heart.
But nerd-hot Dallas, the sweet new guy in town, sends the mission and Vivian’s zing meter into chaos. While designing software for the bookstore where Vivian works, Dallas wages a counter-mission.
Operation Replacement Crush is in full effect. And Dallas is determined to take her heart off the shelf.
A cute read!
Viv is a likable heroine, for all that she makes some fairly ridiculous decisions when she’s on her “mission” (to find a “zing-free” crush to replace the crush-gone-wrong that’s left her reeling). It’s clear to everyone–from Viv’s hormones to her BFFs to the little old lady who uses Viv’s mom’s bookstore as a weekly escape from the retirement home–that she’s making some TSTL moves (and LOL, she even uses the phrase “TSTL” to describe herself at one point! At least she’s self aware to an extent), but at the same time it’s easy to see where she’s coming from. Who wasn’t been tempted to go a little overboard to protect yourself after being hurt?
Once she does manage to get her head out of her…posterior region she does a stellar job of making up for her earlier behavior. Her “grand gesture” is viral-video worthy, and inspired by The Wedding Singer.
So you know it’s quality. 😉
I loved that she is a romance book blogger–reading her reviews at the beginning of a few of the chapters was so much fun! The Star Trek quotes were a nice touch, too–the one from The Wrath of Kahn actually made me a little weepy. Dallas is a worthy hero–for all of his stellar book boyfriend qualities, he too made a few bonehead moves (Kylie) but also made up for them, as a good romance hero does.
Overall, a fun read. Go, Vulcans!
Rating: 4 stars / B+
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.
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